
The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter Quotes

The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers

The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter Quotes
"Each day was very much like any other day, because they were alone so much that nothing ever disturbed them."
"Sometimes in the evening the mutes would play chess."
"The town was in the middle of the deep South. The summers were long and the months of winter cold were very few."
"Singer never knew just how much his friend understood of all the things he told him. But it did not matter."
"In the dusk the two mutes walked slowly home together."
"Before their departure Antonapoulos always opened a paper sack he kept hidden during the day on one of the kitchen shelves."
"For Singer this was a time of great distress."
"At night, if he were not too drunk, he would kneel down before his bed and pray awhile."
"They shared the upstairs of a small house near the business section of the town."
"The light, chill rains of November would come, and perhaps later there would be frost and some short months of cold."
"The man shook his head in a way that might have meant either yes or no."
"He thanked Singer several times for the night’s lodging, moving his lips carefully so that he was sure to be understood."
"I can put a mattress on the floor and you can stay here until you find a place."
"Jake felt his lips tremble with a sudden feeling of gratefulness."
"As he was leaving the mute handed him a pair of blue overalls, rolled into a tight bundle, and seventy-five cents."
"‘Adios,’ Jake said. ‘I’ll be back sometime soon.’"
"He left the mute standing in the doorway with his hands still in his pockets and the half-smile on his face."
"The mute waved back to him and closed his door."
"Outside the glare was sudden and sharp against his eyes."
"He stood on the sidewalk before the house, too dazzled at first by the sunlight to see very clearly."
"I want to throw these away. Know where I can find a garbage can?"
"Resentment is the most precious flower of poverty."
"He swallowed and moistened his mouth to speak again."
"The town seemed more lonesome than any place he had ever known."
"The stillness of the street gave him a strange feeling."
"He passed the New York Cafe. The door was open, but the place looked empty and dark."
"The sun felt like a hot piece of iron pressing down on his head."
"He went into a fruit and candy store to buy a paper."
"It was agreed without words that Jake would stay with Singer a few days until he found a room."
"Doctor Copeland sat motionless in this position for a long time."
"The whole world was this symphony, and there was not enough of her to listen."
"It was like just before you take a bath in the afternoon when you might wallow around in the back yard and get plenty dirty just for the good feel of it before getting into the tub."
"Real youth and old age. Because often old men’s voices grow high and reedy and they take on a mincing walk."
"The strong true purpose was always in him, but he had no time in which to think on it."
"She felt excited, too. It wasn’t just her dress and the beautiful way her face looked."
"He sees how men have to rob their brothers in order to live."
"The sky was curved, like the inside of a huge glass ball, very dark blue with the sprinkles of bright stars."
"Their coming to the party made all the other people forget about High School and being almost grown."
"You know how we always been--we nearly all the time understand each other pretty well without any kind of throbs either way."
"The way I need you is a loneliness I cannot bear."
"The words left unsaid were heavier on his heart."
"We bring with us all the riches of the human mind and soul."
"We must build strength for our real true purpose."
"Our gifts are trampled in the mud and made useless."
"Our hearts grow empty and lose strength for our purpose."
"We must teach our children. We must sacrifice so that they may earn the dignity of study and wisdom."
"For the time will come when the riches in us will not be held in scorn and contempt."
"The injustices of need must bring us all together and not separate us."
"Antonapoulos watched him with his dark, drowsy eyes. Sitting motionless in his bright, rich garments he seemed like some wise king from a legend."
"The strong, true purpose, the will to justice."
"I am not a minister,' he said, ‘I am a physician, a medical doctor. My name is Benedict Mady Copeland and I wish to see the judge immediately on urgent business."
"I wish we was at the ocean. On the beach and watching the ships far out on the water."
"It was like her head was broke off from her body and thrown away."
"I'm leaving town. I'm a good mechanic and I can get a job some other place."
"There's just one more thing. In a month or two I'll send you my address and you write and tell me for sure whether you're all right."
"All you need to write is 'O.K.' and then I'll know."
"They were walking home again, pushing the wheels. Their shadows stretched out giant-sized on the road."
"For a minute there was a bright, golden glow over everything before the sun sank down behind the trees."
"She felt very old, and it was like something was heavy inside her."
"Harry's house was dark--his mother had not come home."
"Sometimes even on Sunday. When you looked through the window you could see her bending over the machine in the back."
"She stood by herself in the dark back yard, breaking off pieces of bark from the oak tree with her fingernails."
"I reveal this only to you," he said in a low stage voice.
"They had walked the sixteen miles and were in the dark alley at home."
"This here is another riddle, Portia. If the hand of a clock points to half-past two."
"Quit frowning like that, Mick. You're coming to the age where you ought to fix up and try to look the best you can."
"I was wondering about you. Where you been?" Singer smiled.
"Yet now he could not clearly recall those issues which were the cause of their dispute."
"The sun sank down behind a ragged line of trees in the distance and the sky paled."
"He saw Mick and Doctor Copeland and Jake Blount and Biff Brannon."
"But of all this he must not think. He must thrust it from him now."
"I certainly hope this," Portia said. "I certainly hope that when I dead and gone as many peoples grieves for me as grieves for Mr. Singer."
"Doctor Copeland rocked stubbornly, his gray shawl drawn close around his shoulders."
"He would drink a pot of turnip-green liquor and eat a pone of cornbread."
"For forty years his mission was his life and his life was his mission. And yet all remained to be done and nothing was completed."
"The motion of the wagon jolted his back. He looked up at the branches overhead, and then when there was no shade he covered his face with a handkerchief to shield his eyes from the sun."
"It was not possible that this could be the end. Always he had felt in him the strong, true purpose."
"The vivid green of the trees along the sidewalk seemed to steal into the atmosphere so that there was a strange greenish glow over the street."
"The emptiness in him hurt. He wanted to look neither backward nor forward."
"The old restlessness and hunger were in him again."
"The awkward stems of the flowers had been bent to just the right degree of restful looseness."