
Boundless Quotes

Boundless by Cynthia Hand

Boundless Quotes
"You learn to find your happiness, kid. You figure out those things that give your life meaning, and you hold on to them."
"You try to stop worrying about the stuff you can’t control."
"I’m going to miss Billy, I think as she goes on."
"You can come home anytime you like. This is your house."
"He’s giving it all back. I hate how much this hurts me."
"I missed his voice in my head, in my ears. I missed his face. His smile."
"I’m sorry I didn’t say something about it earlier."
"I’ve decided to stop stressing about everything. I’m going to start fresh."
"I’m ready to stop saying good-bye to things. I’m going to start saying hello."
"I can’t believe that, after tomorrow, I won’t live here anymore."
"I’m not scared of you. And I’m not going to let you drive me away."
"I think it’s great that you found a direction to go in."
"I’m not going to have anyone else tell me what to do, ever again. I’m going to do what I want."
"I like the idea of giving myself an extra hour to study for exams, or finding out who’s going to win the Stanford-Berkeley game before it happens."
"When you need it most," he says, ambiguous as ever.
"But for now, I can what, cross to wherever I want to go?"
"Clara." He wants me to be serious now. "Crossing is a vital skill."
"Everything that lives and breathes in this world, and glory is what binds us."
"You’re not imagining it," Dad says. "We’re here."
"You’re very powerful, Clara," Dad says. "Even for a Triplare, you’re remarkable."
"Sometimes it’s difficult to be the bearer of a sword," he says gently.
"You are my daughter. But how do you know you're my daughter? Because your mother told you so?"
"If you believe this, then the glory will shape itself into anything that you need."
"Nothing in my life is going even remotely right."
"I'm better for seeing you, too. It's yours, Phen."
"You can run, you can kill them, but more of them always pop up, and they never stop."
"You shouldn’t have told me. You shouldn’t tell anyone else."
"This is his responsibility too. He should be there for you. He should have stepped up."
"If we can send one man to the moon, why can’t we send them all there?"
"I thought, since this happened, that I’d wrecked everything. But I didn’t. It was supposed to happen this way. It was meant to be."
"Midway upon the journey of life, I found myself in dark woods, the right road lost."
"Follow your vision. Follow your heart. And I’ll be with you again soon."
"You have a fine spirit. Take care of my daughter."
"I close my eyes and try again, and it works. The sword fills my hand."
"Sometimes it really sucks that they’re twins."
"I’m protective when it comes to the subject of Angela and her baby."
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink."
"It’s my fault, partly. I kind of threw you two together that summer with the boots."
"I’m crying over Tucker. Not very women’s lib of me, I know."
"I know. It’s my fault, partly. I kind of threw you two together that summer with the boots."
"Let’s get it all out in the open. You still love him."
"It’s okay. Let’s get it all out in the open. You still love him."
"That’s what this breaking-up business was all about for you, wasn’t it? You thought I was going to get hurt."
"I should have fought for you, Clara, even if I would have had to fight you to fight for you."
"You’re my friend, and I want you to be happy."
"I could make myself have a vision. Or, at the very least, I could try."
"You’d have to be crazy to go out in this downpour. I’m alone."
"The glory comes, like it never left me. It comes."
"Time to meditate. Briefly I worry that I might start to glow."
"Sometimes it doesn’t suck to be able to understand any language on earth."
"He’s crazy surprised when I cross us to the study room."
"You can’t save everybody, Clara. Some things are beyond our ability to change."
"We think of happiness as something we can take."
"It’s not cowardly to not want to do something crazy."
"I’m tired. But I’m pretty motivated to give the getting-the-heck-out-of-here plan a try. I’m fine."
"That’s where I’ll take us. We’ll be safe there. We can figure things out."
"I’m two seconds from willing us out of there. Two seconds."
"You’re the only one who can decide what your purpose is, Clara."
"I can’t tell you. You are the only one who can decide what your purpose is, Clara."
"But not well enough, I think, because Tucker’s dead. I’ll never see him again."
"I want to be good. I want to do good things. I want to help."
"I don’t care what the vision told you. We need to be smart about this."
"We’re going to be happy, Carrots. That’s all."