
The Monster In The Hollows Quotes

The Monster In The Hollows by Andrew Peterson

The Monster In The Hollows Quotes
"Every time he moved he was reminded of the claws and teeth that had caused his wounds."
"Theskritch-skritch of Kalmar’s quill each morning was as comforting as birdsong."
"Janner liked to lie awake for a few minutes before he opened his eyes, listening to Kalmar’s breathing, reminding himself that the creature beside him was, in fact, his little brother."
"The crew shouted and laughed at all hours of the day, and even at night Janner was kept company by the slapping of waves against the hull and the murmur of sailors keeping watch."
"The old man’s voice boomed and bellowed, a presence so constant that if Janner ever wondered where Podo was, he had but to listen for a moment to hear either a barked command, a burst of laughter, or the beat of his wooden stump on the deck."
"The ship’s heart had stopped beating, and that was the silence that had woken Janner."
"Janner stood, too fast, and the pain in his legs, neck, and back made him dizzy."
"Janner expected to see the bearer of those claws and teeth asleep in the bunk beside him, but his brother was gone."
"You’ve been badly wounded by your brother’s clawful attack!"
"There are things I want to forget, but I can’t."
"This land, these hills might be the last safe place in all of Aerwiar."
"You’ll go to school, you’ll have friends, you’ll read books."
"Maker bless you, lad. Take care of your brother."
"Don’t you see? You’ll have trouble enough convincing them to free Kalmar without these ridiculous wings stirring up trouble."
"Sometimes I don't want to be the queen. But what I want doesn't change what I am."
"You're the Throne Warden. I'm your mother. Kalmar is your brother. All your anger can't change those facts."
"I'll find you. I'll prowl the face of Aerwiar. I'll sniff you out, wherever you are, and when I do, I'll hold you fast. Forever."
"Deep, deep, deep in the world, under rock and river, under shadow of shadow, the Fane of Fire, where stone and water wake the walker, there descends the Maker, and the king alone may come."
"The whole game is right there in the title. 'Get the Boot.' That's it. So get the boot. Go!"
"I only ask that you evaluate them for two months as you would any other guildling."
"I wasn’t asking you," said Clout. He stepped away from Olumphia and towered over the Wingfeather boys. "Is that understood?"
"Because there was hope in her heart, there was courage too. Courage changed the way she moved among the other prisoners."
"All I know is, I'm glad Rudric and his Durgans are keeping watch. Me old bones are tired, and I ain't fit for sittin' up all night watchin' for gobblers in the dark."
"He felt as if he were glowing from the inside out."
"Secret passages," he said to himself. "Spooky."
"I just had my first normal conversation in the Green Hollows."
"It felt good. And it felt like dying," Kal said after a moment.
"What are you so happy about, lad?" asked Oskar.
"I’m not mad at you. I just—I just wish I could do one thing I want. One thing."
"It’s not your fault," Janner said. "The Fangs did this."
"I’m a terrible king. I’m a terrible boy. That’s not the Fangs’ fault."
"The Maker has brought us safe this far, Grigory Bunge, and I will fear no guildling of the Green Hollows."
"You don’t know everything about dogs," Kalmar told her.
"They talked to one another and were always watching for Mobrik."
"Something that had fallen asleep in Sara Cobbler’s heart was awake now."
"They followed her. They winked from across the sharpening station."
"She told them of Janner Igiby’s daring escape."
"She taught them that the homesickness was good, because it helped them remember the world outside the factory."
"You can’t just executeroyalty, you piggish brute."
"We must remember what happens here today, and reckon with it, and be humbled."
"This is the closest I’ve come in three years to getting out of this place."
"Thanks to Oskar N. Reteep, the First Book has been translated into the common tongue, from the first page to the last."
"Some deep instinct compelled him to look into the creature’s eyes."
"He didn’t know why, but he had to know what the thing was saying."
"What is it? What are you trying to say?" Janner pleaded.
"PAPA!" His voice was lost in the pandemonium, but there was one, at least, who heard.
"One of you, kill the beast," General Swifter barked.
"Did you find him?" she asked, laughing through her tears. "Where is he? Did you find him?"
"He said my name," Janner told her. "And I saw his eyes."
"I only knew he was hungry and wounded. And alone."
"It doesn’t matter," Kal said. "Just let him hear you before he dies."
"But I couldn’t just show up at the Castle Throg when I had allowed you to escape Anniera with the First Book!"
"He’s going to turn me into something beautiful and strong and young again."
"Which is young enough to know when something’s evil," she said.
"And you knew my father’s voice, and his father’s."
"I love you, dear Nia. Thank Artham for me. For the song."
"But it’s weakness that the Maker turns to strength."
"But I say it was none of these things!" Rudric glared at them.
"Your allegiance is accepted. And I gladly give what little pardon I owe."