
Something Borrowed Quotes

Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin

Something Borrowed Quotes
"In the grand scheme of things, thirty is still young. But it's not that young. It is past the most ripe, prime child-bearing years."
"I work excruciating hours for a mean-spirited, anal-retentive partner, doing mostly tedious tasks."
"I didn't need braces. Her moonwalk was superior, as were her cartwheels and her front handsprings."
"I wanted a husband by now; I wanted to be a bride in my twenties."
"I realized that in a lot of ways I might as well be thirty. But not quite."
"I think we should talk about it, don't you? Call me when you can."
"I have followed an orderly, Goody Two-shoes path with no deviations."
"And now it seems too late for any of that. Because that stuff would just further delay my goal."
"This will be fine. Just listen," he says, as though talking to a client in a conference room.
"I don't think there are precise age limits on bikinis."
"I wanted to be having a more diverse college experience, which really meant dating other people."
"I didn't shed a tear until I saw him at a party holding hands with Betsy Wingate."
"Joey taught you the basics of predictable, missionary-style sex. And that's worth something, right?"
"I kept hoping that Hunter and his girlfriend would break up, but it never happened."
"He was intense in bed too. Although he had had few partners before me, he seemed very experienced."
"Every night I'd sit in conference rooms studying piles of papers in endless cardboard boxes."
"Nate kept calling for a few months after our breakup. I knew he was just being nice, but the calls gave me false hope."
"I wonder if my feelings for him didn't have a lot to do with hating my job."
"At best, [the dates] were simply uncomfortable and forgettable."
"He told too many 'a guy walks into a bar' jokes (none funny) and 'I'm a badass trader' war stories (none impressive)."
"I review my three boyfriends, the three men I slept with in my twenties, searching for a common thread. Nothing."
"It's not fair to you. It's a fucked-up deal."
"You are not obsolete, Rachel. You are all I think about."
"I can't think of anything that would make me happier than having you as my wife."
"You just have to know how to ask for what you want."
"The world is not that black-and-white, Rachel. There are no moral absolutes."
"You are forgetting an important piece of this whole thing, Hillary. Darcy is my lifelong friend."
"I might also regret sacrificing myself, my own desires, for Darcy's sake, in the name of being a good person."
"I'm sorry. It's just that you looked so happy with her. And I felt so... obsolete, used."
"Life's not black-and-white. That sometimes the end justifies the means."
"Like the perfect beach vacation, where the routine is so blissfully uneventful."
"She is the measuring stick; I hold myself up against her."
"Time is running out. I tell myself not to panic, to savor the present."
"My fear of breaking the rules has dulled somewhat, as has my instinct to put Darcy above myself."
"I just think it's unnecessary needlessly mean," I say. "If someone is going to call it off, they should do it before the wedding day."
"Even if it just ends up in a divorce," he asks. "Even if. You ask that girl if she'd rather be divorced or dissed in her dress in front of all those people."
"So, do you know what you'd like to have?" Dex asks me. I smile and tell him that I am waiting to hear the specials.
"I love the way you look too," he says. His arms move around me, pulling me against his chest.
"I'll call you soon. Whenever I can. As soon as I can."
"I'm not sure. Maybe Now can we please turn out the light? My eyes hurt."
"Why not?" I ask, knowing that she will eat now and ask me later why I let her do it.
"No. I want it to be just like my house after a sleepover."
"I'm afraid so," I say, although I actually enjoy telling Darcy this.
"Songs and smells will bring you back to a moment in time more than anything else."
"It's amazing how much can be conjured with a few notes of a song or a solitary whiff of a room."
"Someday being with Dex will be a distant memory."
"Time heals all wounds, particularly if you pack a bunch of stuff into that time."
"Maybe the thing to do after you roll the dice and lose is simply pick them up and roll them again."
"It's like when someone dies, the initial stages of grief seem to be the worst."
"You should get away from Darcy. That toxic friendship is unhealthy."
"I'm not in the mood to discuss it with you," I say. Then I add, "Or Dad."
"You're right. It's not just for the sake of defeating you."
"The night's busting open, These two lanes will take us anywhere."