
Die With Zero: Getting All You Can From Your Money And Your Life Quotes

Die With Zero: Getting All You Can From Your Money And Your Life by Bill Perkins

Die With Zero: Getting All You Can From Your Money And Your Life Quotes
"Death wakes people up, and the closer it gets, the more awake and aware we become."
"Living as if your life were infinite is the opposite of taking the long view: It’s terribly shortsighted."
"Everyone’s health generally declines with time, and sooner or later we all die."
"I’m trained as an engineer and made my fortune on the strength of my analytical skills."
"What’s the best way to allocate our life energy before we die?"
"Maximizing your fulfillment from experiences—by planning how you will spend your time and money—is how you maximize your life."
"Investing in experiences, on the other hand, really could change your life, even at 50."
"To fully enjoy life instead of just surviving it, you need to stop driving mindlessly and actively steer your life the way you want it to go."
"If you die with $1 million left, that’s $1 million of experiences you didn’t have."
"We get a return on all our experiences. That’s why we spend money on them."
"Invest in your life’s experiences—and start early, start early, start early."
"Your whole point in earning money is to be able to spend it on the experiences that make your life what it is."
"Dying with exactly zero is an impossible goal. To attain it would require knowing exactly when you’re going to die."
"If you don’t have any idea when you’ll die, you won’t be able to make decisions that are anywhere close to optimal."
"Nobody wants to die early... but nobody wants to die after their money runs out either."
"Annuities... insure you against the risk of outliving your money."
"By trying to play insurance agent, you are not even close to maximizing your life."
"We are solving for your total life enjoyment."
"The best things in life aren’t actually free, because everything you do takes away from something else you could be doing."
"If you get [the money] when you are 30... you can buy a nice house and raise your kids in the environment you want to raise them in."
"Spend your money while you’re alive—whether it’s on yourself, your loved ones, or charity."
"Your salary will only go up, your earning power will only go up."
"It’s crazy to actually be scrimping and saving, which is what at least someone like me who was brought up in a middle-class family was taught to do."
"It’s never too late to reverse decades of neglect and abuse, something Stern understood."
"Improved health improves everything in your life, makes every experience more enjoyable, at every age."
"Our simulations show that even a small permanent reduction in health...amounts to a large reduction in a person's lifetime fulfillment score."
"Ten pounds of excess weight is equivalent to 40 pounds of excess force your knees were not designed to handle."
"Movement is life, and your experiences will be greatly diminished when your movement becomes painful or limited."
"Einstein supposedly called compound interest the greatest force in the universe."
"People of all ages should be spending more time and money on their health."
"Investing in your health is investing in every single subsequent experience!"
"Exchange money for free time...to create a more balanced life."
"People who spend money on time-saving purchases experience greater life satisfaction."
"Your ability to extract enjoyment from money declines with age."
"The older you are, the more someone should have to pay you to delay an experience."
"Would you rather have one trip now, or two such trips x years from now?"
"Think about your current physical health: What life experiences can you have now that you might not be able to have later?"
"Using time-saving services reduced time pressure, they found, and reduced time pressure improved the day's mood."
"Your net worth isn’t the same throughout your life."
"You should find that one special point in your life when your net worth is the highest it will ever be."
"People are more afraid of running out of money than wasting their life, and that’s got to switch."
"We tend to take for granted what is readily available."
"The biggest fear ought to be wasting your life and time, not Am I going to have x number of dollars when I’m 80?"
"You can take the safer path of quiet misery or the bolder path that’s less certain but potentially much more rewarding."
"Realize that at every moment you have a choice. The choices you make reflect your priorities."
"What they are doing is saying that they are willing to pay $70,000 for the comfort of not having to move."
"I’ll never forget what my mom said to me when I made my first million dollars. 'Don’t tell your grandmother,' she told me, 'because all she’s going to do is worry about you losing it.'"
"If you avoid certain risks, you will get 7,000 experience points instead of 10,000."
"I hated having to cold-call people, and I found it distasteful that my success was so dependent on whether a particular person I was calling liked me or not."
"As a trader, you take all the risk and get all the reward."