
Angelfall Quotes

Angelfall by Susan Ee

Angelfall Quotes
"Ironically, since the attacks, the sunsets have been glorious."
"With the dying warmth on my face, I try not to think about anything other than keeping my hands from trembling."
"Now they’re my favorites because the strips make for a perfect knife holder."
"The day belongs to the refugees and raid gangs. But at night, they all clear out, leaving the streets deserted by dusk."
"There’s a strong fear of the supernatural now."
"No matter what happens, just keep running down El Camino until you reach Page Mill."
"If we get separated, there’s not much hope of us ever meeting anywhere."
"The streets are deserted except for empty cars parked in every lane."
"It’s practically sacrilegious, even if the gadgets are just dead weight now."
"It’s easier to fly when you weigh 50 pounds than 500."
"I can’t bear to think about what’s happening to her."
"You’re not one of those people who name their cars and coffee mugs, are you?"
"Whatever it is, it turns into a grimace of pain as I dump him into the chair."
"I decide to do a thorough sponge bath with a washcloth. At least that way, I can keep various parts of me from freezing all at once."
"But I don't want to think about that—I don't know how to think about that—so I shove it down into that dark, overstuffed place in my mind that's threatening to burst any moment now."
"You need permission to use an angel sword. It’ll weigh a ton if you try to lift it without permission."
"Challenging weirdness is a pointless and sometimes dangerous exercise."
"I put one foot in front of the other, trying to ignore the too-light weight of the wheelchair and the wingless angel beside me."
"The only noise I hear is Boden’s groaning. Sounds like he’s having trouble breathing."
"You think anything you do would get a guy like him to look at you twice? You’d be lucky to get a one-legged grandpa to be interested in you."
"Either tell me or show me. It has to be now."
"Fear is contagious. Maybe it’s something that’s evolved from our primeval days when your survival odds were better if you picked up on your buddy’s fear without wasting time to discuss it."
"Every muscle in my body screams to run after the soldiers. Every instinct is frantic not to be the lone guppy separated from its school."
"The memory pops into my head of Raffe mentioning the possibility of kids attacking that family on the street. I dismiss that thought as soon as it comes."
"Watching the soldiers leave is like watching the basement door close, shutting out the only light in the house and leaving me alone in the monster-filled darkness."
"Nothing natural could cause this kind of fear. It goes beyond a fear of physical harm and into the realm of mental and spiritual."
"I can’t help but look to see if there’s anything I need to worry about sneaking up behind me. Not that a monster capable of tearing apart armed soldiers would bother sneaking."
"I wonder why we didn’t evolve with eyes in the back of our heads?"
"The farther I walk into the woods, the tighter the darkness closes in on me."
"How is this possible? How could you do this?"
"He kisses me with the desperation of a dying man who believes the magic of eternal life is in this kiss."
"I wait until the conversation rises to full volume again before I go back to approaching the albino."
"The angels seem more interested in socializing with one another than with the women."
"Whatever was said by the Politician, they didn't like it."
"He seems to have forgotten all about me as he makes his way through the club."
"The area around the booth has gone quiet and everyone watches us."
"I've had more than my fair share of being around people whose physical appearance is unnerving."
"His grip is firm but not enough to cause pain."
"A muscle in his jaw pulses as he grinds his teeth."
"The only motion I see is caused by the scorpion as it greedily sucks her dry."
"I grab a chair and swing it at him before he recovers."
"It's not your food, and it's not your place."
"I'm guessing that if there's one thing that might pique an angel's prejudice, it’s someone who looks like he should be surrounded by hellfire."
"I’m sure they have no trouble recognizing the sword for what it is."
"I feel no sympathetic sensation of a soul or a life essence leaving."
"Careful with that, archangel," says the giant as he stalks toward Raffe.
"Killing you would have been my choice," says Beliel.
"Run along now while I show off my new acquisition. No one below has feathers."
"Your own blade rejects you. It senses my wings. You’re no longer just Raphael."
"How sad. A leader bereft of followers. An angel with severed wings. A warrior without a sword."
"You’ve acquired a pet, archangel. When did this happen?"
"I’m not wielding the sword. It is wielding me."
"And with a Daughter of Man. How deliciously ironic."
"What the hell is that?" asks one of the soldiers.
"You don’t even like me, remember?" That’s what I try to say.
"Let’s get out of here," says Obi. "We’ve already wasted too much time."
"We have declared war on any being that dares to think they can wipe us out without a fight."
"I never thought about it before, but I’m proud to be a Daughter of Man."
"I want to shout for them to stop. I want to tell them they’re not all out to get us."
"My heart soars with him even as it is gripped with fear that he’ll fall out of the sky."