
Cruel King Quotes

Cruel King by Rina Kent

Cruel King Quotes
"Spoiler alert, don’t believe anything Dan says. He’s into drama and all that jazz."
"Invisibility is a cool superpower that allows me to breeze through without any bullshit or drama."
"I’m not that much of a fun-ruiner, although my best friend Dan would say otherwise."
"Golden arcs decorate the entrance all the way to the massive lounge area."
"I mean, I come from money. Scratch that. Dad is rich, I’m not."
"But I promised him I’d attend one party before the summer starts."
"I don’t care what he said. Uncle doesn’t tell me what to fucking do."
"I’ll not be a secondary character in my own life. Not anymore."
"I wasn’t always all rich and preppy like you."
"It’s like I’m re-living the tragedy from three years ago."
"I take a deep breath of the alcohol and the designer perfumes permeating the air."
"It’s not his fault, but Dan will just be Dan."
"Wait." I look up from my ruined sketch. "Levi vouched for you?"
"Football, Captain, and Coach don’t work like that."
"I’ll be fine." His voice softens as he drapes an arm around my shoulder.
"He’s the only person who can make senior year tolerable."
"My fists clench in the cloth as a hot, scalding wave rolls over me."
"I don’t care if Levi did it or if someone else did it on his behalf."
"He pulled me out of my invisibility cave and he’ll regret every second of it."
"I give the world the finger and I’m cheered on."
"I breathe through my nostrils, trying — and failing — to expel the gloomy, murderous energy running through my veins."
"She lived with her mum before Lord Clifford took custody about three years ago."
"Her eyes widen and I push past her, feeling a little better than I did this entire day."
"Not only is my new found visibility a pain in the arse, but it’s also the wrong type of visibility."
"This place is my sanctuary, I won’t let anyone ruin it for me."
"I’m sorry. It’s not that I think you’re a bad player, it’s just that the timing is weird, that’s all."
"I’m standing near the exit with my back facing the school."
"I orchestrated your fall, but I don’t feel the grand finale."
"I hide in the confines of my room underneath the blanket, breathing my own air."
"My lips purse and my brows scrunch together as I stare at what I spent the last thirty minutes sketching."
"I’m not playing this game anymore. Stop dragging me to the chessboard."
"You make me lose control and you’ll pay the price for it."
"I haven’t decided whether you're my damnation or my salvation."
"If you’re the devil, why am I not running? Why am I barging into your hell instead?"
"I can't believe he took the exhibition off the table."
"He's a fucking bastard who thinks he's entitled to everything."
"You most certainly do. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so upset right now."
"I wasn't born to lose or to become a pawn on your board."
"You're like those dark, silent nights where no one knows what will happen."
"Is this the dance of the predator or the prey?"
"You don’t own me, your majesty. No one does."
"Your time is over. I’m not your subject anymore."
"Surviving you shouldn’t be becoming all entangled in you."
"I can’t pretend like all of this is fine. I can’t plot your demise when I’m aching to see you again. Checkmate, you won. You fucking won. Are you happy now?"
"I don’t care what fucking happens. You’re not leaving anymore."
"I touch what’s mine whenever I damn well please."
"I can’t win when I’ve already abdicated, princess."
"You’re so fucking adorable when you’re angry."
"I’ll be your anything as long as you’re mine."
"For someone who won a drinking game against our ace drinker, you’re rubbish with thrill rides."
"Tell me you’re mine, princess. Tell me you won’t let anyone else touch you the way I do. Tell me you won’t change or leave me."
"You only watch me when I’m sleeping naked. Besides, you’re blushing, princess."
"I’m going nowhere, princess. I go wherever you go."
"It’s never enough. It wasn’t for my parents and it’s certainly not enough now."
"I’ve been wanting to do this since the moment you walked in."
"I love you. I’m fucking crazy about you, princess."
"I’ve been given that second chance for a reason."