
Shadow And Bone Quotes

Shadow And Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Shadow And Bone Quotes
"The boy and the girl had arrived within weeks of each other, two more orphans of the border wars, dirty-faced refugees plucked from the rubble of distant towns and brought to the Duke’s estate to learn to read and write, and to learn a trade."
"Huddled in the kitchen cupboard, listening to the grownups gossip, she heard the Duke’s housekeeper, Ana Kuya, say, 'She’s an ugly little thing. No child should look like that. Pale and sour, like a glass of milk that’s turned.'"
"In the summer, they endured long hours of chores followed by even longer hours of lessons in stifling classrooms."
"A moment later the boy whispered, 'I don’t think you’re ugly.'"
"Our Duke is a very great man," said Ana Kuya.
"I quickened my steps, trying to peer over the crowd. I’d lost sight of the yellow flag of the surveyors’ cart hours ago, and I knew I was far behind."
"You worry too much. The King’s sent a whole group of Grisha pyros to cover the skiffs, and even a few of those creepy Heartrenders. We have our rifles."
"We were under attack. Such noise. So much blood… One of the boys, Alexei, was taken. It was terrible, terrible."
"Ivan laughed. 'He didn’t do anything. He’s an amplifier.'"
"I’ve spent my life searching for a way to make things right. You’re the first glimmer of hope I’ve had in a long time."
"The world is changing, Alina. Muskets and rifles are just the beginning."
"If I had cut him down with a sword, would that make it any better?"
"There is something more powerful than any army. Something strong enough to topple kings, and even Darklings. Do you know what that thing is? Faith."
"It’s a blessing, Alina Starkov. A benediction."
"I hope you don’t expect fairness from me, Alina. It isn’t one of my specialties."
"Why do you waste all of your strength fighting your true nature?"
"For a girl who hated looking at herself, I was at risk of becoming vain."
"I checked the casualty lists every single week, my heart pounding, my stomach in knots, terrified that I would see his name."
"Maybe Mal was glad I was gone, glad to be free of old friendships and obligations."
"The power was there, somewhere inside me, but I couldn’t reach it, and I didn’t know why."
"I didn’t belong in this beautiful world, and if I didn’t find a way to use my power, I never would."
"The horse has speed. The bear has strength. The bird has wings. No creature has all of these gifts, and so the world is held in balance."
"What is infinite? The universe and the greed of men."
"I’m sick of being pummeled by Botkin, and I’m sick of you."
"I can't breathe. It's like I'm kicking up from the bottom of a lake, about to break the surface, my lungs aching for air."
"Now lie back so I can fix those dark circles."
"There's nothing wrong with being a lizard either. Unless you were born to be a hawk."
"The problem with wanting is that it makes us weak."
"If I told you that I’m trying to save the world, would you believe me?"
"It’s not your fault, Alina. I made my own choices."
"You haven’t given me anything. You’ve made me a slave."
"Fairness! Still she talks of fairness. What does fairness have to do with any of this?"
"You will wear that collar for the rest of your very, very long life, Alina. Fight me as long as you’re able."
"I love you, Alina, even the part of you that loved him."
"You’ll tire of hate soon enough. You’ll tire of everything."
"You begged me for clemency once. Is this your idea of mercy?"