
Don’t Forget To Write Quotes

Don’t Forget To Write by Sara Goodman Confino

Don’t Forget To Write Quotes
"I thought about not going. But that would only make things worse. The best way to handle Daddy was to pretend I was sorry, then go back to doing whatever I wanted to when he wasn’t looking."
"But now? Princes were overrated. Look at that eleven-year-old kid with the Dumbo ears who was eventually going to become the king of England."
"You’re not trying to fix me up with someone, are you? I asked warily."
"I’m familiar with the story. Arthur and his knights do predate me believe it or not."
"You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. And don’t ever let anyone tell you we’re the weaker sex."
"I wanted to ask how far Market Street was from the Liberty Bell, but after realizing I sounded like a tourist for asking Shirley how to get to it from Ada’s house, I decided to keep the question to myself."
"I hadn’t seen a woman manage her own business before."
"You know what? It doesn’t matter. Unless you mend your wicked ways, you’re not going back there anyway."
"Love fades. You’re better off marrying for compatibility."
"The only things in life that are worth it are hard."
"Speak with assurance and people will treat you as intelligent."
"I wish you were wrong. But they want me to be absolutely perfect."
"I don’t want to be forced into marriage. If I do, it’ll be for love."
"I’m not against marriage, I just don’t want to be forced into it."
"A lady doesn't tell stories that don't belong entirely to her."
"We all have to make our own mistakes and learn some things the hard way."
"You can't expect to write about things you've never felt in a real way."
"I think I’ll know when it’s time. I’m not there yet."
"Always say yes to new things. It’s the only way you’ll be able to write about life—if you actually go out and live it."
"It’s rude to discuss one’s wealth. But that’s only a part of it."
"I love it here in the summer. There’s nothing to do in winter. Most of the town is only open seasonally."
"I’m not saying you have to marry him, but you’re going on this date."
"If you want a different outcome, change the way you get there."
"I can say exactly what I want. And the good lord help anyone who gets in the way of your tongue when you’re my age."
"I swear, it’s a good thing you never had daughters."
"I’d say don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, but really it’s better if you do everything I would."
"It’s not about how good you are. It’s about if you can keep up with me."
"I want someone who will respect that I made a choice and want to clean up my own mess."
"You think all those other girls would make out with me in my father’s office?"
"You’re like a tiger. You might destroy me. And I kind of think that might be worth it."
"You don’t need to drink if you don’t believe me. You can give me a Shirley Temple, and I’ll be perfectly content."
"Ada delighted in being called out on it. Few dared. I was one of them."
"If Ada wore it, it was fashion. Plain and simple."
"Ada understood love better than anyone I’ve ever known."
"Ada dedicated her life to the service of others."
"Ada would have walked right up to the front if she were here and told you all to go home."