
The Blood Traitor Quotes

The Blood Traitor by Lynette Noni

The Blood Traitor Quotes
"Tears ran like rivers down her face, dripping off her chin and soaking her tunic."
"I made a mistake," she mouthed soundlessly. "I want to take it back. I need to take it back."
"You’re unwell," he said. "I’ll ask Zuleeka to come and heal —"
"Everything she knows, I taught her. This is my fault."
"Gods, she’s a mess," said a female voice, full of disgust.
"Damn it, Kiva, drink," came the angry female voice.
"You are who you choose to be," Cresta declared in a hard voice.
"They say love is blind, but it’s not that blind."
"You’ve escaped Zalindov once. Nothing seems to be impossible for you."
"The ominous feeling of her surroundings bleeding into her soul."
"The colors identical to what Kiva had seen in the rest of the castle."
"Her first smile since leaving Cresta twelve days earlier."
"The castle corridors, beginning a downward spiral."
"A long pause as they descended another flight of obsidian stairs."
"A glint in his eyes, as if he had greater plans."
"A mixture of wonder and respect, with no small amount of curiosity."
"You'll be all right. Just remember what I said."
"Kiva's heart fell at the confirmation, her hopes dashed."
"She felt like a spectacle—a barely clothed spectacle."
"The tension leaving her at the sight of the familiar faces."
"It might not be a dream, but it very well could be a nightmare."
"Because he was looking at her as if — as if — As if he hated her. With every fiber of his being."
"Get it out, Sunshine. You’re all right. I’m here."
"I’ve never met anyone who shines as brightly as you do."
"The whole time, his hands moved soothingly on her back as he murmured, "Get it out, Sunshine. You’re all right. I’m here."
"Quit saying sorry, I made my own choices, just as you did."
"Do you really think I trust you to wander around the base alone at night?"
"Fear not. It’ll wear off in time for your Arzavaar."
"You can’t just give it to you. You first have to prove yourselves worthy of it."
"No matter what, you can’t use your power in here."
"What you’re feeling is valid, but it’s also wrong."
"Despite still feeling stung by his unyielding resentment, those two words — and the way he said them — meant everything to Kiva."
"Despite how effortless it had been for her to heal Naari after the Arzavaar, Kiva had seen little success since then."
"Her magic was temperamental at best, and causing her no small amount of frustration."
"On the third day after they’d left Yirin, the pressure finally got to her enough that, mid-training, she threw her hands in the air and cried, 'It’s useless! I’m never going to be able to do what Zuleeka does!'"
"That’s actually the opposite of what we want," Caldon said dryly. "Death magic, bad. Remember?"
"Don’t try to be funny when I’m upset," Kiva scowled and kicked at the sand.
"There’s nothing funny about death magic. That’s some dark humor you’re into, Sunshine."
"Lighten up, Sweet Cheeks. No one expects you to learn everything in a day."
"She might as well not have magic, for all the progress she was making."
"Sighing, Kiva stared across the seemingly endless sand dunes, the early morning sun hinting that the day would be another scorcher."
"In a miserable voice, she said, 'I just don’t know how to do it.'"
"I made mistakes, but I didn’t mean to make them."
"You helped me realize what I wanted, just by being you."
"I fell in love with you, Kiva. I am in love with you. Then and now, nothing about that has changed."
"You saved my life. Why do you keep making yourself the villain in your own narrative?"
"After everything we’d been through together, you still didn’t trust me. I gave you every part of me, and I thought you gave me every part of you, but the whole time, I didn’t even know who you really were."
"You’ve been avoiding me because you’re afraid."
"You’re right — I should have told you about me. But it wasn’t because I didn’t trust you. You made it impossible for me not to trust you."
"You knew me better than I knew myself. I was dead for ten years, and you breathed life back into me."
"It’s all right, Kiva. Sarana knew this might happen one day. Everything will be all right."
"You already know where the ring is, darling boy. Sarana never gave it to my family — she was going to, but she decided to keep it in yours."
"I’ve been playing you from the very beginning."
"The rebels were always better off with me as their leader."
"Everything I told you was true, how Tilda went to Navok to make a deal."
"Gods, why do you always cry when you’re hugging me?"
"She might be our sister, but actions have consequences, and one day soon she’s going to learn that."
"In one night, I lost everyone but my mother."
"It’s easy to hide what you don’t want others knowing."
"I didn’t mourn you the first time. I won’t this time, either."
"We talked about this, no tears while I’m hugging you. That’s our rule."
"There’s always going to be someone stronger than you. It doesn’t hurt to be prepared."