
Cassandra In Reverse Quotes

Cassandra In Reverse by Holly Smale

Cassandra In Reverse Quotes
"It’s a lie, the first page of a book, because it masquerades as a beginning."
"This story starts here. Pick a random event."
"You are rude. Insubordinate. Arrogant, frankly."
"I frequently feel it: a wave of emotion that pours out of them into me, like a teapot into a cup."
"The only thing on my desk that doesn’t belong to the agency is a gifted coffee mug with a picture of a cartoon deer on it."
"I’ve spoken to you about this on multiple occasions—Cassandra, look at me when I’m talking to you."
"It’s fascinating how emotions can tie your life together."
"Our highest-paying client just dropped us because of your quote, unquote relentlessly grating behavior."
"A large proportion of my life is spent in constant fear that the next one will happen in a client meeting, in the middle of Zara on a Saturday afternoon or at somebody else’s wedding."
"I think maybe losing my parents so suddenly...sent my life in the wrong direction."
"The first page of a book is a lie because it masquerades as a beginning."
"The universe is stepping in to limit the damage I can do. You get four months, Cassie, and that’s it."
"Today matters—that’s what the cosmos is trying to tell me—and four months is still enough to make a real change to my life."
"The trick is to write what you actually want to say and then go back in afterward and surround it with irrelevant niceties and emojis."
"Time is the invisible thread that weaves our stories together. And sixty seconds can change everything."
"I don’t want the universe thinking I’m ungrateful or spoiled and taking my new powers back off me again."
"Thinking hard, I write: To: Barry Fawcett From: Cassandra Dankworth 'Dear Barry, Hello, how are you? Well, I hope. :)'"
"And if that’s the case... Well, I may not be the best person at reading between the lines."
"I am no longer able to pretend that I am not the problem here."
"I am getting my first date with Will again if it kills me."
"Sometimes all I need is the shock of change to break me out of a loop of my own creation."
"Love is a courageous thing to pursue, and to me Eos represents hope, resilience, and light in the darkest hour."
"I’ve tried to fluff my own duvet and dive under it at the last moment, but honestly, it just doesn’t have the same impact."
"I find it very hard to...understand emotions. I read them like colors. I feel them like colors. I see and feel sounds as colors and lights and sensations too."
"I feel like the Minotaur: part human, with the head of an animal that cannot speak, desperately trying to communicate."
"I’ve thought about you constantly since we met."
"I’m so sorry, Will. I don’t know what came over me."
"You’re thirty-one years old. You can’t just stand in your own front garden with your eyes shut."
"It’s like you think your time is more valuable than mine."
"I’m sitting on what appears to be an elaborately fashioned plank, inches away from green water with duck crap floating in it."
"This is what happens when you store gunpowder where it shouldn’t be stored: one wrong move and the damage is extensive."
"I’ve learned my lesson the hardest possible way."
"The square is a window. The line of light is a hallway. The smell is laundry detergent and the shadow is a dressing gown."
"This room has the wrong smell, the wrong light, the wrong door, the wrong window. Everything is wrong. Different."
"Panic is rising, choking, my eyeballs are jittering, my thumbs are held."
"I’m not traveling through time to undo the things I’ve done wrong or the decisions I’ve made. I am trying to undo myself."
"I am so sick of traveling through time. All it seems to do is carry me to places I don’t want to be."
"Time is fragile; for every sweep of the broom, there are consequences."
"Even when I don’t. Even when all my focus is matching the shade of a pair of red trousers to an orange shirt, and I’m enjoying it immensely. That’s just my face."
"I’ve been so obsessed with chopping up time and stitching it back together, it didn’t occur to me that the final version wouldn’t be sewn together properly."
"Mistakes were flaws in my tapestry, so I ripped them all out."
"You’re spectacular to me too, Cassie, but when I’m honest with myself and I look into the future, I’m just not sure that we’re—"
"With the tip of my finger, I gently trace the circular face of my old blue watch and wait for the world to collapse around me."
"I love you," I say, because now I know there won’t be another chance.
"Sometimes it feels like I am drowning in adjectives."
"I have no idea what Artemis has been doing for the last decade, and now she’s finally worn me down, I sort of want to know."
"I cannot believe my fate hinged on a man who regularly uses words from other languages with a full British accent."
"It’s not a reward if I don’t want to go, is it," I point out.
"The agency is stuck in an overrunning brainstorm about home composting."
"I cannot believe you would say that, Cassandra. I’m incredibly hurt."
"Memories are time travel, and so are regrets, hopes and daydreams."
"I’m not sure I love him in the way I want to love someone. Not in the way I’m waiting to love someone."
"I can literally turn back time to torture you and I will, happily, so consider this my only warning."
"I love being underestimated, it's my superpower. Nobody ever sees me coming."
"We're not camping outside the gates of Troy for the next ten years."
"I can still hear, but everything is muffled, far away, as if everyone has had their volume buttons turned down."
"My fate is not written in time, or sand, or stars, or in a tapestry, or a spider’s web, and it never actually was."
"I am Cassandra: the future was always in me."
"I don’t like the public, I don’t like relating, I don’t like SharkSkin moisturizer and I also don’t need time travel to undo this mistake."
"I’ve always known that—In early Greek mythology, Zeus fell in love with Metis, the goddess of prudence."
"I am not a monster or a goddess; I am not a prophet or a princess, a gorgon or a priestess."
"This has never really been a planet that embraces difference."