
The Surrender Experiment: My Journey Into Life's Perfection Quotes

The Surrender Experiment: My Journey Into Life's Perfection by Michael A. Singer

The Surrender Experiment: My Journey Into Life's Perfection Quotes
"Life rarely unfolds exactly as we want it to. And if we stop and think about it, that makes perfect sense."
"What manifests in front of us at any given moment is actually something truly extraordinary—it is the end result of all the forces that have been interacting together for billions of years."
"We walk around constantly trying to control and determine what will happen in our lives. No wonder there's so much tension, anxiety, and fear."
"Each of us actually believes that things should be the way we want them, instead of being the natural result of all the forces of creation."
"We are not responsible for even the tiniest fraction of what is manifesting around us."
"We have been gifted with the power of will. From deep inside, we can determine how we want something to be and apply the power of our minds, hearts, and bodies in an attempt to make the outside world conform."
"This battle between individual will and the reality of life unfolding around us ends up consuming our lives."
"When we win the battle, we are happy and relaxed; when we don’t, we are disturbed and stressed."
"If the natural unfolding of the process of life can create and take care of the entire universe, is it really reasonable for us to assume that nothing good will happen unless we force it to?"
"What would happen if we respected the flow of life and used our free will to participate in what’s unfolding, instead of fighting it?"
"What an opportunity to get rid of that part of me."
"I had proven that I was capable of deeply surrendering if life presented me with something I really did not want to do."
"It had happened again. In the name of transcending myself, I had surrendered and willingly faced my personal fears."
"Life was asking me to get out of the way and let her do her thing."
"I was allowing my life to be guided by a much more powerful force, life itself."
"Following that deeper guidance will take your life in a very different direction from where your preferences would have led you."
"We’ll just go into the class and see what comes out."
"I had resolved to find another way that did not have my mind as my spiritual adviser."
"The events of the preceding few years had not just been happening to me; they had just as much happened to her."
"If a neighboring property came up for sale and we had the funds available to purchase it, the Temple would buy it."
"If the whole purpose of my surrender to life was to get rid of myself, it was working out quite well."
"I was continuously being pushed headfirst into a life that centered on serving other people’s spiritual growth instead of my own."
"My heart would melt listening to them share with one another how to do this—how to let go of yourself."
"Built with Love taught us how to run a small business properly."
"It was as though people were handpicked to show up at just the right time in their spiritual growth—and ours."
"All I had to do now was simply step aside and allow the money from that very strange job to be used to purchase our neighbor’s property in the name of the Temple."
"Little things were happening on a regular basis that were so unlikely, they chipped away at the rational mind."
"I had reached the point of not even wanting to know. I just wanted to cease to interfere with the perfection of life."
"I was playing a game with life, and every time life made its move, a part of my noisy mind fell away."
"The moment I hung up, I went into Rick Karl’s office to get his legal advice."
"It was as though each piece waited until we could afford it."
"As I pondered over the enormity of the project that lay before us, it finally hit me—this was the real reason that Tim had been sent to us."
"I was deeply honored to be close to him as he passed through a period of great darkness or, better put, as a period of great darkness passed through him."
"The question is: Are we willing to use this force for our transformation?"
"I was not in charge; life was in charge, and there was an underlying sense of enthusiasm and excitement about getting to see what was going to happen next."
"The Medical Manager itself was more than fifteen years old by then, and it was touching the lives of hundreds of thousands of people."
"The more I let go of 'Mickey' and just committed myself to the task life had given me, the more the spiritual energy flow increased within me."
"I was amazed that after all those years my inner state was not affected by leaving the company."
"I took a breath, let go, and contributed positively to the topic being discussed."
"I found that I actually got more peaceful inside as I dealt with the ever-increasing magnitude of challenges."
"Life was molding me each day to become who I needed to be in order to handle tomorrow’s tasks."
"All I had to do was let go and not resist the process."
"If knowledge is power, then Bobby Davids had all the power."
"I resolved to only discuss the matter when absolutely necessary."
"It wasn’t the money that moved me; it was the invisible hand of life that blew me away."
"I was totally in awe seeing where my experiment with surrender had managed to lead me."