
Furia Quotes

Furia by Yamile Saied Méndez

Furia Quotes
"I had never learned to shut up or do as I was told."
"We live in the twenty-first century in a free-ish country."
"We’ll finally be able to leave this rat hole."
"The memory of Pablo whispering in her ear and Marisol’s sly smile flashed through my mind again, and I shuddered."
"No amount of insults was going to bring Gimena back."
"From the safety of the car, I didn’t mind the wild dogs sprawled on the sidewalks, sleeping off the adventures of the previous night."
"The wind that tangled his hair carried the scent of burning leaves."
"I turned to see if he was joking, but he was looking at the road ahead, his hands clenching the steering wheel."
"The corner of his mouth twitched, but he took a slick phone from his jacket pocket and handed it to me."
"Diego drove on, and I held the phone in my sweaty hand, praying for Roxana to call and rescue me."
"He was an Aquarius. His favorite colors were blue and yellow, but he preferred pink candy."
"Still, even if his favorite colors and superheroes hadn’t changed, he had changed."
"‘Sometimes it feels like I never left Rosario,’ He gave me that crooked smile."
"Diego shrugged. ‘Yes, but the price of living there is too steep, and I’m not talking about euros.’"
"‘So much it hurts.’ He rubbed his chest. ‘I’m doing what I love, but I miss Rosario in a way I never expected.’"
"The Portuguese word filled me with longing for something I hadn’t lost yet."
"His girlfriend, Flávia, a model, was his childhood sweetheart, and they were trying the long-distance thing."
"That guy is Carnaval personified! He says, and then he scores like a beast after partying all night with girls."
"‘Last night we didn’t get to talk about Turín,’ I finally said."
"Now, ease up on the gas and brake with your right foot. Like that."
"‘You’re a natural,’ he said with a smile in his voice."
"‘You still listen to this station?’ I asked, tapping my foot to a Gustavo Cerati song I’d never heard before."
"‘The kids already love you.’ His smile was blazing, and then his eyes got bashful."
"‘Stop it,’ I said, slapping his arm but really wanting to slap myself."
"‘What’s wrong?’ He must have felt my anxiety."
"‘Your hands are cold,’ he said, grabbing my wrist and kissing my palm."
"Too late. My left foot, the one with the magic touch, landed in a hole I’d been avoiding perfectly well until that moment."
"My visions of a future full of glory went out like a light."
"Not now, I begged La Difunta. I’d leave her water—blessed water from the sanctuary, even—my heart on a platter, five years of my life for the miracle of not being injured."
"A few minutes later, after another goal by the Yankee team, Coach blew the whistle, and the scrimmage ended."
"The North American girls celebrated, but soon the two teams were shaking hands and exchanging kisses on the cheek."
"The ammonia scent of my sweat and the burns the pitch had left on my skin. Every scratch, kick, and elbow to the ribs throbbed."
"Coach Alicia handed me a cold Gatorade and placed a hand on my shoulder. 'Gabi, la Furia will return stronger than ever if it’s the last thing I do.'"
"'You have the kind of touch that can’t be taught,' Gabi said. 'You have esa picardía... that cleverness and spontaneity that I hardly ever encounter.'"
"He had seen everything. He knew I played. He had seen me fall."
"'I’ll be in touch,' Gabi said to Rufina, who smiled. And then to me, 'And you, too, Furia. Take care.'"
"I leaned in first. My mouth was soft and hot on Diego’s."
"Life is a bianconero business. Love is black and white; there’s no in-between."
"I fantasized about what it would be like if I were flying out with him tomorrow."
"Witching hour, when demons come out to wreak havoc, babies’ fevers spike, and Death calls to collect her souls."
"But we’ve always found a way around it. Those who came before us played in circuses, in summer fairs, dressed as men."
"You can’t ask me to choose between you and my dreams. Don’t. Please don’t."
"It is possible to love two places with the same intensity."
"I remember, and all these months rush back to me in a tsunami of impossibility."
"The game started, and soon, number nine from Itapé, Natalia, made a shot that Roxana blocked."
"I knew better than to admit I’d gone to a curandera in front of the doctor."
"But the guardian angels Miriam had seen around me came, too. They screamed at me to rise up."