
A Touch Of Darkness Quotes

A Touch Of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair

A Touch Of Darkness Quotes
"I find it interesting that he was so elusive and the bets he made with mortals completely appalling."
"He was beautiful in a way that promised heartbreak."
"When you invited me to your table, you entered into an agreement."
"If you steal me away to the Underworld, you will face my mother’s wrath."
"Lord Hades, I imagine that whatever you have to say to me demands privacy?"
"The only way you are getting answers from me is if I decide to enter into another gamble with you."
"She might be the Daughter of Demeter and the Goddess of Spring, but she couldn’t grow a damn thing."
"Without Demeter's glamour, Persephone couldn’t live in the mortal world anonymously."
"Normally she gave it little thought, but today her gaze was drawn to the large horns atop Ares’ head."
"It wasn’t even about having power now. It was about freedom."
"What path? There is no path, only the walls of your glass prison!"
"I keep you safe because you have no power, my flower. There is a difference."
"Good. That’s what I want. I want to be me, whatever that is and you are going to have to accept that."
"You may blame me for the choices you made, but it changes nothing. You are mine for six months."
"No one prays to the God of the Dead, my lady, and when they do, it is already too late."
"I will answer no more of your questions," Hades said. "Minthe will show you out."
"Why did she invite Hades to the table? She knew she’d regret that decision for the rest of her life."
"I do not serve Lord Hades. I work for him. There is a difference."
"I am helping these mortals," he argued, taking a deliberate step toward her.
"I do not have to accept anything but what I want."
"If you belong to him, he will tear the world apart to save you."
"I want to be me, whatever that is and you are going to have to accept that."
"All the mortals who’d gone to Hades for help were in desperate need of something—money or health or love."
"Hades seemed to delight in offering an impossible challenge."
"It’s either this or nothing at all, Persephone."
"You are a goddess. You will sit in a throne," he said, guiding her to be seated.
"He must be miserable, she decided. Tired of being the God of the Dead, he inserted himself in the fate of mortal lives for entertainment."
"She had never felt so many emotions about a single person before."
"Except that he had freed something inside her. Something long-repressed and never explored."
"If this is the god we are presented with in our life, what god will we meet upon our death?"
"Hades cared about his realm and those who occupied it. Why else would he go through the trouble of maintaining such a grand illusion?"
"You must think I'm incredibly stupid," she said. "I think you were lured by Hades' charms."
"My wagers are not for souls like you," he said. "That does not mean I will not help you."
"I knew you were here because I could feel you."
"She was balancing an impossible contract with the God of the Underworld and hiding the fact from her mother."
"Because you have lived among mortals. You understand them better than I."
"Words are used to spin stories and craft lies, and occasionally they are strung together to tell the truth."
"No soul has ever healed by dwelling on the past."
"You misunderstand. Hades does not decide when souls come to the Underworld. The Fates do."
"Action, Lady Persephone. Action holds weight for me."
"I know you." He trailed his fingers over her collarbone, and moved so that he was behind her. "I know the way your breath hitches when I touch you."
"I am capable of making my own decisions, Adonis."
"Respect could build an empire. Trust could make it unbreakable. Love could make it last forever."
"You do know the Divine is a gossip magazine?"
"He listened. There’s nothing romantic about that."
"You will no longer live this disgraceful, mortal life!"
"The easiest thing to do was to ask Demetri if he’d consider hiring Adonis back."
"Persephone, there’s a woman here to see you. She says she has a story on Hades."