
Fresh Water For Flowers Quotes

Fresh Water For Flowers by Valérie Perrin

Fresh Water For Flowers Quotes
"Without the weight of my soul, which, apparently, whether you’re fat or thin, tall or short, young or old, weighs twenty-one grams."
"In 1997, when our level-crossing was automated, my husband and I lost our jobs."
"Death begins when no one can dream of you any longer."
"The day someone loves you, the weather's marvelous."
"There’s something stronger than death, and that’s the presence of those absent in the memory of the living."
"Sweet butterfly, spread your lovely wings and go to his tomb to tell him I love him."
"I hear your voice in the world’s every sound."
"The dead leaves are shoveled away, the memories and regrets are, too."
"If a flower grew every time I thought of you, the earth would be one massive garden."
"If life is nothing but a passage, our memory will preserve your image."
"The darkness is never total; at the end of the path, there’s always an open window."
"The only ghosts I believe in are memories. Whether real or imagined."
"If life is but a passage, let us at least scatter flowers on that passage."
"You must learn to be generous with your absence to those who haven’t understood the importance of your presence."
"A mother’s love is a treasure that God gives only once."
"Nothing opposes the night, nothing justifies it."
"The leaves fall, the seasons pass, only memory is eternal."
"Along this river where you loved to dream, the silvery fish slipped by so lightly, keep our memories, which can never die."
"Along with time, goes, everything goes, you forget the passions and you forget the voices."
"My dear friends, when I die, plant a willow in the cemetery. I love its weeping foliage."
"It’s like a flower crushed by the wind of the storm, death snatched him away in the spring of his life."
"The earth conceals you, but my heart still sees you."
"Love is when you meet someone who gives you news about yourself."
"We think that death is an absence, when in fact it’s a secret presence."
"Everything fades away, everything passes, except for memory."
"All those who knew you miss you and mourn you."
"The memory of the happy days soothes the pain."
"I loved you, I love you, and I will love you."
"For me, All Souls’ Day was in August. I immersed myself and I felt the presence of my daughter who was no longer there."
"Anger, and the promise of substantial compensation, kept Philippe Toussaint going."
"You’re no longer where you were, but you’re everywhere that I am."
"These few flowers, in memory of times gone by."
"The darkness has to intensify for the first star to appear."
"His life is a lovely memory. His absence a silent agony."
"Fate followed its path but it never separated our hearts."
"It’s the words they didn’t say that make the dead so heavy in their coffins."
"A memory never dies, it merely falls asleep."
"It’s when the tree is lying down that one gets the measure of its stature."
"We know that you would be with us today if heaven weren’t so far away."
"My garden has become sadder than my cemetery. As the days go by, they feel like little funerals."
"I no longer dream, I no longer smoke, I no longer even have a history, I’m dirty without you, I’m ugly without you, I’m like an orphan in a dormitory."
"The absence of a father strengthens the memory of his presence."
"Just a little note to tell you we love you. Just a little note to ask you to help us overcome the great ordeals down here."
"On the quicksand into which life has slipped grows a sweet flower my heart has picked."
"Nothing can wilt it, nothing wither it, this charming flower is called memory."
"Through the open window, together we looked at life, love, joy. We listened to the wind."
"Jesu, joy of man’s desiring. May the inventor of birds make a hero of me."
"No express train will take me towards bliss, No old banger reach it, no Concorde have your wingspan, no ship sail, except you."
"You’ll see my pen feathered with sunlight, snowing on the paper the archangel of awakening."
"Every tomb is a garbage can. It’s the leftovers that are buried here, the souls are elsewhere."
"I’m not sure you’re inside of me, or that I am inside of you, or that I own you. I think we’re both inside of another being we created called 'us.'"
"It’s better to mourn you than not to have known you."
"There are so many fine things you don’t know about, the faith that brings down mountains, the white spring in your soul, think of it as you fall asleep, love is stronger than death."
"Speak to me in the easy way which you always used, Put no difference in your tone, Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we shared together."
"People have stars that aren’t the same. For those who travel, stars are guides, for others, they are nothing but little lights."
"Sometimes, I regret having scolded Léonine when she had disobeyed me or thrown a tantrum."
"Running your fingers through a child’s hair is like walking on the dead leaves in a forest at the start of spring."
"Philippe Toussaint was piecing together the story, but which one?"
"We have come here in search, in search of something or someone. In search of that love that is stronger than death."
"Even today, when I watch Fanny, Marius, or César on the television, I get tears in my eyes."
"When I open up the red shutters of the chalet with Célia, and I find once again the old cupboard in the kitchen."
"From where I am, I smile, because my life was good and, above all, I loved."
"Here we are today, at the edge of the void, Because we’re searching everywhere for the face we have lost."
"Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep."
"In Marseilles, nothing is done as it is elsewhere."
"Everything is mismatched at the chalet. Objects never seem to have reached here together."
"The walls had soaked up its aroma. It made me feel hungry again."
"Carbon monoxide kills, it’s insidious, odorless...the girls died in their sleep."
"Life is but an endless losing of all that one loves."
"He had drawn a big, black marker line through a past he wanted to leave behind."
"Through repairing engines, he’d become reconciled with desire."
"We’re at the end of summer, the warmth of those evening return journeys, back in our apartments, life continuing as usual."
"Not a day goes by without us thinking of you."
"You are not far, just on the other side of the path."
"Let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."