
Life As We Knew It Quotes

Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Life As We Knew It Quotes
"I wouldn’t mind another daughter myself. The first one I had turned out so wonderfully."
"Whenever I want to get mad at her, she goes and does something nice."
"I hope Lisa changes her mind and I won’t have to deal with it."
"Sometimes I think no one ever will. I’ll spend the rest of my life sitting in front of my computer."
"I’m 16 years old. Let me get my learner’s permit first. Then I’ll worry about lifetime commitments."
"I don’t see how I can make it through the next two weeks, let alone two more years of high school."
"I wish there was school tomorrow. I keep thinking about cafeteria lunches and how I always complained about them."
"I don’t want to whine about being hungry, because I know compared to a lot of kids, I’m eating okay."
"It’s funny how over the past few days I haven’t felt like calling them."
"The world might be coming to an end, but I still wasn’t going to pay a hundred bucks for a pair of sneakers."
"Even if things get back to normal and baseball is just like it is now, the only way you can be the best at something is to be the best you can be."
"This isn’t the time for friendships, Miranda. We have to watch out only for ourselves."
"I’m not hungry anymore. I just don’t need to eat much anymore. God sustains me."
"The worst part of every day is swimming at the pond. When I’m in the water I feel as though nothing bad has happened."
"We cheered when Mrs. Nesbitt finally got into the school. We cheered again when she emerged carrying a bag."
"I begged God for forgiveness. And if I were you, Miranda, I’d ask for divine forgiveness, also."
"We’re nowhere near running out of food. But I thought while Jonny is away, maybe we could all do with a little less."
"If things stay the way they are, then we have a real chance. All the scientists are working on making things better."
"Everything’s closed: the restaurants and movie theaters and the skating rink."
"Love at first sight. At least for him, which is a good thing. He can have any girl he wants. I’m lucky he wants me."
"Life is short and you have to make the best of what time you have."
"Sometimes I wonder if the big cannonball horror of knowing someone you love has died is all that much worse than the everyday attrition of life."
"I feel like we will make it through, that if we love each other and work hard enough, we’ll survive whatever might happen next."
"Life may not continue the way we know it today, but it will continue. Life endures. I’ll always believe that."
"Picture butterflies with foot-long wingspans, Miranda. Picture the world blazing with the color of butterflies."
"This is a hospital. The doctors don’t make house calls."
"In a world where there’s so little good, she’s good."
"I couldn’t bear the thought of going home without Peter and I couldn’t bear the thought of Mom all alone on the living room floor."
"Don’t do that, Miss," he said. "It won’t do you any good."
"Matt?" the second guard said. "Mr. James?" Matt said.
"I didn’t realize this was your sister," the guard said. "Go in. Hurry."
"A bad sprain," he said. "But nothing’s broken. She won’t need a cast."
"We’re seeing a lot of asthma cases these days. You might want to wear one of these whenever you do anything outside."
"You are so beautiful," she said. "The past few months have been so awful and you’ve been very brave."
"We’ll get through," Mom said. "We have each other and we’ll survive."
"I believe you will," Mrs. Nesbitt said. "You’re young and strong and healthy."
"Better to delude myself that things are okay than to delude myself that things are doomed."
"Then it won’t matter where we are, we’ll die anyway," Matt said.
"The sunroom was just a porch back then, but I can imagine my great-great-grandmother’s family sitting around in the parlor."
"I feel like such a fool," Mom said. "I’m putting everyone to so much bother."
"I’ll live. We’ll live. I will never make Mom face what Mrs. Wayne faced."
"I suppose so," she said. "It’s better that way."
"She told me to give you her photo albums," I said. "I bet there are pictures from the party."
"It was a nothing skate, just stroking and a two-footed waltz jump and a ridiculous Ina Bauer."
"If there’s any kind of accumulation we’ll have a water supply."
"I hope when I get closer to death, however old I might be, that I can face it with courage and good sense the way Mrs. Nesbitt does."
"It’s a good thing the bars are closed," she said. "You could pass for twenty-one."
"Occupational hazard of motherhood. Now everybody back to the house for food and aspirin."
"Mom strung up a clothesline in the sunroom because if we hang wet clothes in any of the other rooms they’ll freeze."
"I never knew I could love as deeply as I do."
"We’re all alive. We’re all healthy. These are the good times."
"You’ll be strong enough to. And maybe someplace in America or Mexico or somewhere things are better and you’ll manage to get there."
"I wonder if they’re dropping the ball at Times Square tonight."
"We made a joyful noise. It’s good to remember what joy feels like."
"Every day when I go to sleep I think what a jerk I was to have felt sorry for myself the day before."
"I never knew how wonderful a taste of pineapple juice could be, or the warmth of a woodstove, or the feel of clean clothes against freshly scrubbed skin."
"We are a family. We love each other. We’ve been scared together and brave together."
"Sometimes I’ve thought I’m keeping it for people 200 years from now, so they can see what our lives were like."
"But today, when I am 17 and warm and well fed, I’m keeping this journal for myself so I can always remember life as we knew it."
"You in school? I go to St. Vincent de Paul Academy. Good school, my partner went there and says it’s the best school in the city."
"Give him my regards. Luis must be very proud of both his sons."
"The cable’s out. Yankees have the bases loaded in the top of the sixth and the cable dies on me."
"The electricity just went out. The cable went out, too."
"Give the scientists some time and they’ll figure out what to do."
"But even if they can, it’ll take a while. In the meantime, we might as well have the food and not let strangers steal it."