
Rabbit, Run Quotes

Rabbit, Run by John Updike

Rabbit, Run Quotes
"The motions of Grace, the hardness of the heart; external circumstances." - Pascal, Pensée 507
"You're out, and sort of melt, and keep lifting, until you become like to these kids just one more piece of the sky of adults that hangs over them in the town."
"Love makes the air light. Things start anew; Rabbit tastes through sour aftersmoke the fresh chance in the air."
"He doesn't want this respect, he wants to tell them there's nothing to getting old, it takes nothing."
"It feels so right he blinks when the ball drops short, and for a second wonders if it went through the hoop without rifling the net."
"Do what the heart commands. The heart is our only guide."
"The real women are dropping down out of the trees." - Marty Tothero
"You climb up through the little grades and then get to the top and everybody cheers; with the sweat in your eyebrows you can't see very well and the noise swirls around you and lifts you up, and then you're out, not forgotten at first, just out."
"It seems impossible that the passage of time should have so soon dissolved them, but Tothero's answer implies it."
"It's the truth. It just felt like the whole business was fetching and hauling, all the time trying to hold this mess together she was making all the time."
"I once did something right. I played first-rate basketball. I really did. And after you're first-rate at something, no matter what, it kind of takes the kick out of being second-rate."
"I am a lover." And on a wave of alcohol and stirred semen, he steps forward, in a kind of swoon.
"Well, I'm not going back to that little soppy dope no matter how sorry you feel for her."
"If you have the guts to be yourself, other people'll pay your price."
"The world he's in now, the world of this girl in Brewer, won't continue to satisfy his fantasies."
"God Himself folded into the tiny adamant structure, Self—destined to a succession of explosions."
"The simplicity. Getting rid of something by giving it to itself."
"No, I don't want to say bye—bye. I just want an answer to my question."
"I have no legs," she says, "it's the funniest feeling."
"The thing I minded worst was when this horrible old nun shaved me with a dry razor."
"I feel underwater, caught in chains of transparent slime."
"I'm not saying anything, Harry. I'm not saying one word."
"That's what you have, Harry: life. It's a strange gift and I don't know how we're supposed to use it but I know it's the only gift we get and it's a good one."
"Life must go on. We must go ahead with what we have left."
"It's as if she wants to pull down everything, even if it falls on her."
"You're the one's upsetting Becky. She was fine all morning until you came home."
"The important thing is to complete the arch to the end of the day, to be a protection for Harry."
"He whispers to Nelson to go in and kiss her good night."
"An old teddy bear, the fur worn down to cloth and one eye void, sits in a broken child's rocker."
"Right and wrong aren't dropped from the sky. We make them."
"Forgive me, forgive me, he keeps saying silently to no one."
"Her body seems small as a child's, and hot and hard."
"We must earn the right to see that thing behind everything."
"The sense of outside space scoops at his chest."