
Night School Quotes

Night School by Lee Child

Night School Quotes
"In the morning they gave Reacher a medal, and in the afternoon they sent him back to school."
"Take the bauble and keep your mouth shut about what we asked you to do for it."
"Army Regulation 600-8-22 was surprisingly vague about exactly how medals should be handed out."
"U.S. Army NCOs have the world’s most efficient grapevine. It always amazes me."
"A thinker. Certainly enough of a thinker to figure out why an MP major was getting a Legion of Merit."
"Interests were served, and the region calmed down a little. Two weeks of his life. Four rounds expended. No big deal."
"The American wants a hundred million dollars."
"No effort is to be spared. You’ll get anything you need."
"They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind."
"Doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different outcome is insane, you know."
"We make no assumptions and we leave no stone unturned."
"It’s a question of efficiency. They need to know who these guys are ahead of time."
"We’re going to catch all kinds of people in and out of secret meetings."
"Partly as a tweak about the bullying behavior."
"There were brownie points to be earned. There were careers to be built."
"The military was pretty good at keeping track of people."
"Medics are running away now? When did that start?"
"They can’t find him. He hasn’t attempted to use his passport."
"The future is flexible and lightweight and so on."
"We should put those words on our unit patch."
"He’s got high-level discussions in his future, I’m certain of that."
"What does he think we’re going to do? Take his word as a gentleman?"
"You’re drawing attention. Where there’s smoke there’s fire."
"This is an event horizon, colonel. This is where it all goes wrong."
"I’m happy to say don’t ask, it was something else altogether."
"Your secret stays here. But first I need to know what kind of something else it was."
"He’s hiding it from my wife. I’m going to divorce her."
"Plus the guy has been gone four months. He can’t go back to organize it now."
"The guy said, in English, very politely, 'How may I help you?'"
"Possibly for some little thing other guys have gotten away with."
"Then he got it. The weird thing with the Arab in the bar."
"We have a million small things missing, but no big things."
"The best haircut looks like it was done a week ago."
"We're all going to be cooperating our asses off."
"The messenger is a woman and as of right now she's out of the house."
"Great struggles require great sacrifices. And she was from the tribal areas."
"He was thirty-five years old and still alive. Had to mean something."
"Life wasn't like the television shows. Bartenders never spilled the beans."
"Current NATO doctrine requires an immediate reaction with overwhelming force."
"Loving a country that was right all the time would be common sense, not patriotism."
"He’s betraying his country. Which is also mine."
"A hundred pounds of TNT doesn’t put a scratch on a bridge support. It’s a firecracker."
"We knew the battle plan. The Red Army would advance through the Fulda Gap in strength and depth."
"I saw him once at a business dinner. He was a nodding acquaintance, nothing more."
"This is going to be a long night. The mayor’s office doesn’t know any better."
"He planned to have it framed. He planned to hang it on a fieldstone fireplace, in a great room with a soaring cathedral ceiling."
"In our history we’ve had a total of thirty-two accidentally launched, fired, detonated, stolen, or lost."
"Suppose I asked you to take down number six. How would you do it?"
"I saw streams of people, and behind them the railroad station, all lit up, as big and fancy as a museum or a cathedral."
"A man in his position needed such qualities. He rewound the tape in his head and played the day-old conversation from the beginning."
"We’re American military police here on behalf of the Brazilian military police, conducting a routine audit connected to shoes."
"They want their country back. I will make sure they get it."
"I think they’re permanent," Hooper said. "I think the office must be back there."
"Tell them we’re American military police here on behalf of the Brazilian military police, conducting a routine audit connected to shoes."
"How much do you know about the history of your country?"
"If you would come back in a time machine to do it, why wouldn’t you do it now?"
"Is there a guy you could take out today, so no one would need to dream about time machines tomorrow?"