
Malice Quotes

Malice by Lisa Jackson

Malice Quotes
"I’m so sorry, honey. Believe me when I tell you that I love you more than life itself."
"I just don’t know what you want," she whispered weakly.
"You can’t run from problems, Livvie. You know that. Sooner or later they catch up to you."
"Maybe you should just let the cops handle this."
"I thought you wanted me to open up, to tell you what was bothering me."
"Look, if you need to go, then go. Figure it out."
"First things first: He had to find a place to stay."
"Jennifer was the sort of person who might have attempted suicide as an attempt to grab attention. But to actually drive into a tree? Not Jen's style."
"This is police business, Bentz. Got nothing to do with you."
"A few pictures of a look-alike do not a case make."
"She would thoroughly enjoy playing a sick joke on him, just to watch him squirm."
"He’s just a dogged, single-minded bastard of the lowest order."
"It was legal for me to talk to you? I didn’t like it then, and I don’t like it any more now."
"Don’t make the same mistake twice. If you give your new wife some attention, maybe she won’t stray the way Jennifer did."
"I’ll check with other agencies, in other states, the F.B.I."
"You know, I’m glad I’m never going to grow old."
"Sometimes ya need it to get their attention."
"Sane people don’t go jumping off piers in the middle of the night."
"She was struggling, I guess, because she’d taken a lover."
"And they’ll know what real mental anguish is."
"She smiles up at me through a nearly opaque sheen of red."
"Even in death, Jennifer Nichols Bentz was the ultimate enigma."
"Stroke, stroke, breathe, stroke, stroke, breathe, turn."
"Her lungs and nose were burning. Her throat on fire."
"With each passing day, was becoming more of a stranger to him."
"This is a courtesy, okay? One cop to another."
"She wasn’t yet fifty and she knew a lot of women who were over sixty and looked fabulous."
"She lost herself in her routine, silently counting off the turns."
"You know the old line about, ‘with friends like you, who needs enemies?’"
"Be that as it may, everyone in the department agrees that you showing up in L.A. triggered some of these homicides."
"His little stunt at the pier followed up by Shana’s unexpected, and oh, so unfortunate, death."
"I don’t have to explain myself to you or anyone else."
"That’s what I’m doing in Southern California."
"But I wouldn’t be here, looking for the truth, if I had any connection to Jennifer’s death."
"He always had been and was still undeniably sexy."
"If she could see him now, limping along the boardwalk, conjuring up wraiths in the water…"
"He was about to drop off when the phone blasted again."
"One way or the other at least one question would finally be resolved..."
"But no, after a few hours he realized he needed to get home, needed to make sure Olivia was safe."
"You can retire in ten or fifteen years and enjoy watching the kid grow up."
"He finished packing up his gear, placed his shoulder holster and pistol inside the bag with his clothes, then unhooked his computer and slid it into its case."
"He would fly home and see his wife in the flesh."
"And yet something was off, something not quite right."
"I need my keys back," she said firmly, without fear.
"You don't want to believe that I'm Jennifer."
"I'll drive," he said, unlocking her car. "You can ride shotgun."
"It’s over," he said with a finality that must have finally gotten to her.
"I don’t know how she died yet. Not until the autopsy."
"He tried to imagine scenarios that might solve that mystery, if only to distract himself from the one question that thrummed through his body with every beat of his heart."
"He told himself he was imagining things, conjuring up her image because he was leaving town."
"Cops can go crazy, and Petrocelli might just be the psycho."
"Think, Olivia. Don’t give up. You’ve been in tight spots before."
"Don’t stop. Work at it. The taser won’t last much longer."
"You’re working overtime again? I guess I’ll take a rain check. Again."
"You know that they smell your fear, Martinez."
"I wonder what your husband is doing, Olivia? If he’s figured out that you’re missing."
"Your husband is a loser, Olivia. And you? It’s just your dumb luck that you married him."
"Don’t let it paralyze you. Think, Olivia. Figure out how to get out of here."
"I can’t blow it now. I think, stripping off my clothes in a cabin on the boat."
"Olivia waited for the sound of liquid being splashed above, for the horrendous whoosh as a match was tossed and hungry flames ignited."
"Bentz’s hands clenched into fists. Crazy bitch! He could barely contain his fury."
"But Fernando Valdez was the next person on Bentz’s list to interview."
"If he ever found the psycho who did this, Bentz would personally tear him limb from limb."
"I’m sorry about your wife. Try not to worry. We’ll find her."
"You just have to dig a little, think like the prick to find him. Be a cop, man."
"Thanks to his heritage Montoya spoke Spanish as fluently as he did English."
"Some looked young enough to be in high school, others much older, picking up the missed college credits of their youth."
"Though he hadn’t eaten all day, he barely tasted the wilted fries."
"Remember that. She’s dealt with a homicidal maniac before."
"But the fog was rolling in again, settling over the walkways that bisected lush gardens and lawns."
"He’s got to be somewhere. You just have to dig a little."
"You don’t get it, do you? I want Bentz to pay."