
Fade Out Quotes

Fade Out by Rachel Caine

Fade Out Quotes
"In the midst of death and destruction brought to this well-built world, there’s always strong friendship and the touch of romance to add light and warmth to the story line." - Darque Reviews
"Fast-paced and filled with action... fans of the series will appreciate Feast of Fools." - Genre Go Round Reviews
"A fast-paced, page-turning read packed with wonderful characters and surprising plot twists." - Flamingnet
"Weaves a web of dangerous temptation, dark deceit, and loving friendships." - Darque Reviews
"Rachel Caine brings her brilliant ability to blend witty dialogue, engaging characters, and an intriguing plot." - Romance Reviews Today
"You’ll never watch the Weather Channel the same way again." - Jim Butcher
"An appealing heroine with a wry sense of humor that enlivens even the darkest encounters." - SF Site
"The key to this fine tale is her plausible reactions to living in a town run by vampires that make going to college in the Caine universe quite an experience." - Midwest Book Review
"Ahead, she could see that Michael and Eve were making their way together through the maze of leaning tombstones, crosses, and marble statues."
"It had been months since Sam Glass, Michael’s grandfather, had died... given his life to save them all."
"As cold as Claire felt, Amelie looked far colder."
"Amelie’s surge of rage had burned through Claire like summer, driving off the chill for a moment."
"Amelie’s eyes swirled red, then went back to their normal, not-quite-human gray."
"You want to waste away by your lover’s grave, go for it. I’m Goth; I get it."
"You’re not helping. Michael?" Shane asked. "What cha got, man?"
"You, who reeks of your own blood and weakness."
"What the hell were you doing?" Michael asked.
"Your grandfather would be very angry with me if he thought he was the cause. He’d think me a helpless romantic."
"And you do not wake up daily and paint on your clown makeup, knowing it sets you apart from your fellows?"
"Claire made a vague sound of agreement, closed her eyes, and without any conscious decision to do it, fell asleep in his arms."
"The blinding lights came on, and they were cruel."
"Eve and Kim being besties all of a sudden while she was sitting like a poor, pathetic lump on the sidelines with her disfigured face, with Oliver bringing her sympathy mocha."
"Trust me, Kim's a force of nature, but like a storm, she moves on."
"Barbecue really was kind of a magic cure for the mopeys."
"I'm ugly and nobody loves me." "Wrong, and really wrong."
"I don’t scare you." "Well. Only a little, maybe."
"Adults don't get stressed out about ex-girlfriends or ex-hookups or whatever."
"You all die of something." "And we all pay for our pleasures, one way or another."
"Any fool can kill. It takes genius to create."
"I want it on the record that I’m not paying attention."
"Don’t be stupid. Amelie may have a connection to her, but Claire is eminently replaceable."
"You very nearly succeeded in bribing me with these excellent Cubans."
"I was looking for a girl," he said. "Kim wasn’t it. You are, so stop worrying about that."
"It was physics, that was all. Scary advanced physics."
"Why she was apologizing to a crazy computer lady, she didn’t know."
"I really need to start carrying flashlights."
"No doubt they believe that will make me protective of her. It only makes me think how easy it is to destroy her."
"If only I could figure out what it actually meant."
"Paper and ink, girl. Paper and ink will always survive, when electronic storage becomes random impulses lost to the ages."
"Nobody does. That's the whole point. I want to catch people as they really are."
"No one leaves my rehearsals except in a body bag."
"I'm not different. I'm the same Claire as ever."
"It's just tomato juice. You've cleaned up after exploded catsup bottles; this is nothing."
"Good luck. She meant it. She bet mold had formed its own civilization in the refrigerator."
"For a frozen second, Claire thought there was someone behind the wall, watching her, and then she got her head together."
"Day twenty-two of the project...The Oscars are going to be kissing my ass."
"I hope there's sound on these...You bitch. I officially hope you rot in hell, and I swear, if you post any of this online, I will find you."
"I'm not risking you guys, not for this. Not for her."
"You're cute. I might have to turn you and keep you as a pet."
"Saved my life? Redefined awesome in our time?"
"Michael, remember? What are we doing for transpo, cabbing it?"
"I’ll like it less than getting molested by a vampire in a flasher raincoat who smells like graveyards? Try me."
"You really should tell Oliver. I know he’s not the most pleasant of allies, but he is effective in the right circumstances. Rather like one of those nuclear bombs."
"Young lady, I put you there for safekeeping. If I had meant to eat you, I would have."
"Even the normal people of Morganville aren’t so normal."
"Living in a town full of terror doesn’t mean you can’t find true love—or at least, real sex."
"Claire didn’t even resent that, so long as she never, ever had to talk to her again."
"You’re going after Ada, right? You’re going to need backup."
"No," Michael agreed. "Ditto," Eve said, and picked up a fresh weapons bag from the closet to sling over her shoulder. "Definitely not by yourself."
"My name is— I'm not quite sure. Addy?" "Ada." "Ah yes. Ada."
"You wanted to get to me, and this is what it takes. If you want to stay where you are—" "No. Tell me."
"No," Claire said. She sounded a lot less scared than she actually was, which she supposed was a good thing. "I'm just curious."
"You’d be curious at your own autopsy," Ada said, and broke into distorted laughter.
"And don’t be daft. I keep gum wrappers. It doesn’t mean I love the gum that was once in them."
"The point is to keep us talking so I’m not so terrified out of my mind," she said. "What are we going to do about her?"
"Oh my dear," he said, very softly. "What we did to each other . . . I am so very sorry."
"She was always dead, Claire. Now she is well beyond our attempts to revive her."
"No," Claire said softly. "I'm sorry. I think—I think you’ve got brain damage. I don’t think you’re ever going to be right."
"Please tell him that I still love him. And because I love him, I can’t take the risk that I might hurt him again."
"I believe it will take us straight into trouble, if experience is any guide at all."
"I need you, too," he said. "I love you. And it is not okay."
"It wasn’t the end at all . . . but Claire was content to pretend for now. With Shane warm at her side, and the future stretching out in front of them, she could pretend for today that it was happily ever after."