
You'd Be Home Now Quotes

You'd Be Home Now by Kathleen Glasgow

You'd Be Home Now Quotes
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do With your one wild and precious life?" —MARY OLIVER
"This is not normal. This is not something that happens to people like us."
"There is no normal, Abigail. Nothing has ever been normal. Why can't you see that?"
"I love you, Emmy, but you have no idea what it’s like to be me."
"Sometimes I feel like I don’t exist in this house because I’m not beautiful and loud, like Maddie, or a problem, like Joey. I’m just me. The good one."
"Maybe I need another one? But I don’t want to wake her up. I don’t want any more fights about taking pills. I don’t want noise anymore."
"I wish people would ask about that. How it makes me feel, Candy dying."
"The thing about being invisible is, you’d think it would feel light and airy and easy, no pressure, but it doesn’t. It’s the heaviest thing I’ve ever known."
"A little rebellion, a little experimentation. That’s a teenager. It’s to be expected."
"But it’s only been a day. Give him a chance."
"I don’t want to go back to school. See Candy’s friends. I will never forget the rain that night, heavy and cold."
"I could never see the bottom. That kind of freaked me out. I like to know where the bottom is, you know?"
"I felt like I could live beside the ocean forever."
"It’s probably because of school tomorrow. You’re worried about seeing everyone. Having them see you. Us."
"I guess we’ll be friendless together then, huh?"
"I wasn’t any good, anyway. I was just an alternate."
"Sometimes I’d start to fall asleep in class and catch myself at the last minute, before my head hit the desk."
"You do things and you don’t know why. Like, some people would say, no way, not me, never doing that, but I never think that, I just do it."
"We are not responsible for what happened after the Mill closed. That's just... history. And economics."
"You can't put your life on hold for somebody else, you know?"
"Death happens. We need to accept that and look around and appreciate what we have and change what we don't like."
"You deserve better than to be a secret, Emmy. You don’t have to take scraps."
"Nobody knows what to do at any time. That’s the great lie of high school, that everyone but you knows how to live."
"It’s a little crowded over there at the moment, so you may want to hold back until there are fewer people, in case you get shot down."
"I have to get out of here. Desperately, I look around for Joey. Invisible was better. Invisible is always better. That way, things hurt less."
"You never let someone cry alone on the bleachers."
"These are the best years of our lives. It's just going to get way worse from here, so this is nothing."
"Car accidents, cancer, addiction, broken hearts? That will be useful to us?"
"I prefer to pretend it doesn't exist. Because I have to keep existing."
"Your eyeliner is a little smeared. You look like a very sad lounge singer. It's a good look for you."
"I can't understand it. And it scares me."
"You're mad at me. I know you should be mad at me. It's okay."
"The only things that scare me are high school and my relatives."
"We all share the same mighty good company of the stars at night, and everyone deserves kindness, and survival. Everyone deserves to be seen."
"I think that in the grand scheme of things, you should be able to understand this. My brother not dying is my priority at the moment."
"I don’t want a poor grade, but I also realize that I don’t have a lot left in me at this moment in my life and that this paper, as my brother Joey might say, 'is what it is.'"
"You don’t know what is going to happen, or how things are going to end, and we probably get into way too much trouble trying to plan for and predict these things. But in the end, you just don’t know."
"It’s a public health crisis. It’s in your house, your town, your school. It’s sitting next to you on the bus."
"You just have to do the best you can and go on, and hope for the best."
"That’s how this book spoke to me. Sometimes your life falls to ash and you sift through, waiting for the pain to pass, looking for the remnants in the debris, something to save, when really all you need is right there, inside you."
"Love remains. And that’s really all you can hope for, in the end. I have to believe that. I have to hold on to that."
"I would walk naked down Main Street in front of a thousand people if it would bring my brother back."