
Erebos Quotes

Erebos by Ursula Poznanski

Erebos Quotes
"It's just that Colin's getting friendly with the Guides."
"But by the look of it, Colin had cut Nick out of his life completely overnight."
"The real problem was fighting the temptation to get the DVD out of his jacket pocket."
"No-one here is your friend. Even if it looks that way to you."
"Fear does not pay. In the next battle, I will expect your resolution, your strength, your whole heart."
"As if, in the background, the game was in full swing without him."
"Before you start playing, acquaint yourself with the rules."
"It makes the impossible possible. They make your dreams come true."
"It's mostly the little ones who lose. Like you."
"You should leave Erebos. Go, and never come back."
"Only a few will be left – those who have been chosen for the battle."
"The game had caught him lying. Knew what his real name was."
"The melody promises everything. Everything he has ever wanted."
"No-one will help you, because everyone wants to get into the Inner Circle."
"You’re going to bite the dust faster than you can blink."
"But the way the messenger says it makes it sound as though nothing can be done. As if Sarius is doomed."
"It's not acceptable, the way you're opting out of this conversation. It is about you, after all."
"He had imagined it. It wasn't possible, the internet itself couldn't talk to him."
"The thought of getting up made him tired again immediately."
"The messenger leans forwards as though he wants to tell Sarius something confidential."
"He's mad at Nurax too, the werewolf to whom the messenger is giving a special pair of endurance boots."
"The others have gone. You were needed and refused your assistance. We are disappointed, Sarius. Your negligence cannot remain unpunished – do you understand?"
"We could fight... what do you think? We'll fight for two levels. But you have to let me stand up."
"Most of you will need one after all, won't you?"
"I don't really know. To be honest, you're not the first person I've asked."
"It's nothing. I thought I saw a spider. But everything is fine."
"I very much hope that none of you has anything to do with it."
"People do the most unbelievable things. Things one would never have thought them capable of."
"If we do not close ranks, they will infiltrate us. They will destroy our world."
"Guard your secrets. Treat your enemies as enemies."
"Experience has taught Sarius that it’s stupid to let other people go ahead."
"The greatest reward is the one you earned yourself, isn't it?"
"A place in the Inner Circle is one of the things that one must achieve for oneself. Like a person’s love, or a friend’s trust."
"You know, if you think the thing's good, there must be something to it."
"The last battle is drawing near. The time has not yet come, but now more than ever it is important to separate the wheat from the chaff."
"No. He needed a new sword and an upgrade of his special abilities."
"It's great to be strong. It's great to be at a higher level."
"Died from stupidity. It can't be happening, not now, not so soon."
"You will appreciate that I am gradually becoming bored with the constant necessity of getting you out of trouble."
"Blood circulation throughout the body is also improved."
"Stop bugging people about a feeling. All it will get you is trouble. The painful kind."
"I will carry out your orders. I don’t mind if it’s difficult."
"Then it would have been completely undrinkable. Not remotely dangerous."
"That's not something you can simply allow someone to steal from you."
"He’d developed a program that could learn like a person. Languages too."
"The game was more important to you than we were, wasn't it? Ortolan was more important to you."
"You didn't say goodbye, Dad. That was almost the worst thing for me."
"I've already got my present. No, you haven't."
"To me, it was a present. The nicest one you could give me. Better than a ring."