
My Kind Of Christmas Quotes

My Kind Of Christmas by Robyn Carr

My Kind Of Christmas Quotes
"One minute you’re buzzing along the freeway, singing along to the radio, the next you’re looking down on yourself, watching as medical staff frantically work to save your life."
"Life was different now for Angie, and she was enjoying every minute of it."
"She hadn’t told anyone in her family about that little detail. Why bother? Some of them already thought she was half-crazy."
"The accident had any effect at all, it had been through a close-up view of how unpredictable and tenuous life could be."
"But after the experience I just had, shouldn’t I be ten times as inspired to get back to med school?"
"I’m not going to be a Navy wife. I’m building a career. I need a partner."
"You should see me when I get dressed up! I can look damn good."
"I want to not be afraid. I never want to be scared to live life because of one bad experience."
"I’ve been given a little time to think about it, and not necessarily because of Jake."
"He got some leave," Luke went on. "He has a decision to make."
"I’m having a hard time seeing myself as one of the doctors who treated me."
"I’m the oldest grandchild. My grandpa was there several times."
"It might not fit with the other things I’d like to have—like a family, for instance."
"I’ll probably end up going back to medical school eventually, but not—"
"I have stuff to work out, too. Big stuff, and again, I’m sorry for your loss."
"We treat women right, we Riordans don’t have a lot of sterling qualities, but we’re good to women."
"Right now instead of studying microbiology I want to dig a well."
"You probably don’t have to be told this, but she’s a little…tender."
"I’m not much in the kitchen, but I heat a mean can of soup, scramble some very fancy eggs, that sort of thing."
"I’m trying to be careful with you. But the truth is, I can’t get into you fast enough...."
"If I could have an hour of him being alive, I’d take it."
"It’s not about Jack. It’s about us, me and Angie, sitting out rough waters in Virgin River."
"I don’t want to waste away in a lab or library while life goes on around me."
"I’ve got plenty of time right now…and I have a pretty good idea of how I’d like to spend it...."
"Nothing makes a person feel more worthwhile than being able to lend a hand."
"Everyone knew Donna was a good, strong woman."
"The truth is that she's the one who seems to have a problem, not me."
"I'm taking two weeks in March to go with a team to Honduras."
"I want my own life, not the one she outlined for me."
"You’re a smart woman, Donna. You’ll do what’s best for you."
"I’m kind of tired of all this sneaking around."
"The whole time I was dating Leigh, she dragged me to fundraiser after fundraiser."
"I wouldn’t leave you stranded. I’m just glad I could help."
"It’s hell being right all the time. The strain is terrible."
"Brie, throw another potato in the soup—we’ve got company!"
"You remind me of someone… someone just as unstoppable as you."
"I hate to ask everyone around here to take care of me…."
"Walking home could be tough after a long day of physical labor. Picking apples is hard work."
"She’s full of life, isn’t she? It keeps her young."
"I’m not afraid of walking. I’m not afraid to hitch a ride around here, either—people are generous."
"We don’t hire by weight. And we can afford to be charitable."