
Incarnate Quotes

Incarnate by Jodi Meadows

Incarnate Quotes
"What is a soul, but a consciousness born and born again?"
"Souls are sentience, an essence born into a new body when the old one dies."
"I was five when I first realized how different that made me."
"No one bothered talking with me, so I’d never said a word — not ever — but I knew how to listen."
"Safe journey, Ana," but her expression was stony, and I doubted she meant it with any sincerity."
"The chance to escape my mother’s hostile glares was a happy benefit."
"I wouldn’t complain if this was the last time I ever saw her."
"The garden path twisted down the hill, between frost-covered tomato vines and squash."
"I shivered deeper into my wool coat as I began the march away from the woman who used to starve me for days as punishment for doing chores incorrectly."
"She’d laughed and laughed until she realized I actually had thought I was dying."
"Thank you. The compass filled my palm, and then my front pocket."
"Try not to get lost, because I won’t go looking for you."
"After I was born, Menehem, Li’s lover, left beyond the borders of Range."
"I was the nosoul who’d taken eighteen of Li’s years, her food and skills, pestered her with questions and all my needs."
"The Year of Hunger hadn’t started much better, but now it was my birthday."
"We’re going to make ourselves sick. It’s going to be fun."
"That’s why I had to go out and find a new one. The others all left me."
"I was finaly at Heart, and now I wanted to run? No. I’d come here to find out why I’d been born, and I wouldn’t let a stupid wall scare me away."
"Normaly you’d have to touch it, too, but I assume you’re not in the database, so it wouldn’t do anything."
"The only thing I could think of that didn’t have anything to do with Ciana."
"I kept my fists in my pockets, safe in tattered mittens, and clenched my jaw against the cold."
"You already have," said Frase. "Simply by existing."
"If Li hadn’t," Sam said, "someone else would have."
"You aren’t supposed to tel anyone what you’re going as," Sam said.
"You’re real y aggressive this morning. Coffee makes you mean."
"If I only get one life, I don’t want to waste it by hesitating."
"It’s okay." I stood and tried to collect myself, but Dossam was right there.
"I don’t want to lose you," he whispered again.
"Sometimes I think you sound like I must. We make quite the pair, Ana."
"Music is the only thing that ever mattered to me."
"It's difficult to focus on my studies when my best friend is struggling just to get through the hour."
"Something incorporeal shouldn't be able to hurt so much."
"I’ve never enjoyed teaching someone as much."
"Everyone has their own worries and fears they’re reborn with."
"Nothing is perfect, not even when you’ve been playing for several lifetimes."
"You have more important things to worry about. The first progress report—"
"The people of Heart had been... how they were... for five thousand years."
"I’m not sure this is a good time for this conversation."
"I think she’s in danger, and tonight is the best opportunity for something to go wrong."
"I think you’re right, though, that we don’t have anything to do with it. Maybe it’s Janan. Maybe it’s something else."
"I'd rather never know where I came from than let Li destroy everything that mattered to me."
"If it was Janan, if he was real, I wanted at least a second to prepare."
"Even if he did give people souls and eternal lives, he’d abandoned them to figure everything out on their own."
"The whispers softened. Some sounded like weeping."
"You already know I believe in Janan, and this is his temple."
"And even then it’s unlikely he’d be reborn before Soul Night."
"You’re young. Your world revolves around you."
"I understand, you’re young. Your world revolves around you."