
Moonlight Road Quotes

Moonlight Road by Robyn Carr

Moonlight Road Quotes
"Motivation interruptus had turned out to be a delightful state of being."
"He wandered up a winding dirt road. It looked like it could be someone’s driveway or an abandoned logging road, he was never sure which."
"Experience had taught him the difference—if the path to the outhouse facilities was overgrown and it was especially run-down, it was probably vacant."
"The June sun beat down on him. He wore fatigue pants, hiking boots and a tan T-shirt with salty perspiration rings under the arms."
"She was sprawled facedown, out cold, so he gently rolled her over. She was stunning."
"Her pulse was beating nice and strong in her carotid artery, but her forehead was bleeding."
"I bandaged your head, for God’s sake! I’m not going to hurt you and I don’t want money!"
"I’m taking a break from work and trying to enjoy solitude."
"She did know a couple of things. That butt and those legs belonged to someone under the age of fifty and there didn’t appear to be a shotgun in sight."
"Telling a man with the scent of a woman up his nose to relax was turning out to be about as useful as throwing kerosene on a fire."
"I know what to get you for Christmas, Aiden said. A doll with hair you can fix."
"Someone who fixes hair, Aiden replied to Rosie's question about a beautician."
"She jumped up on a stool and leaned over to kiss him. Hi, sweetheart. Red-letter day today. Emma is doing it in the potty, full-time."
"I don't expect you to understand this, being a girl, but it's a very important rite of passage, learning that the world is your urinal."
"No, baby. A last resort is being thankful for the blessings we have."
"I don’t know if I can watch our baby make another woman fat. I don’t know if I can watch our baby come out of another woman’s body."
"I'm not just uptight and self-protective, unable to let down my guard, but also overconfident, too serious, inflexible and, oh yes, bossy."
"It's just a little death. Some women just blow it off. When their kids go off to college or get married, they just close the vents in their children's rooms."
"You were just a kid when you had to start being a mother to your siblings."
"She was conflicted—there was a part of her indignant that he’d take such liberties, part of her delighted."
"I think being a girl in law school and in legal practice is what makes me tough and competitive."
"You know how impossible it feels when you’re learning, trying to find that fit, that slot, that place where the gears don’t strip?"
"I thought we decided you were going to ask me," she said. He grinned at her. "Stop telling me what to do."
"I've been in the navy. Not a lot to worry about hiding. And I'm a single man—my mother's in my will."
"But an EMT is not usually as highly trained as a paramedic, depending on where you work."
"She was baking for Marcie and Ian—they're coming up next weekend. And I was going to let you have some cookies for Art."
"I'd always been a good student and I saw potential. Once I started, I wondered if I hadn't taken on more than I should have, but it worked out."
"We were driving along a winding road on the high cliffs above the ocean, the beauty stunned her, dazzled her."
"It's like I said, once you figure out what works, this can be done."
"You chased away my bear. That zeros the debt."
"I'm afraid to turn the computer on—you probably crashed it!"
"She’s just a con artist! I’l get this fixed! I swear to God, I’l get this—"
"A check made out to Annalee Somebody—not Riordan—and deposited in a third party’s bank account."
"I don’t want a woman I don’t know having a baby for us. Not under our circumstances."
"If you want me to, I can get a house cleaner and a nanny. I have some money saved."
"We need to talk about your uterus, not someone else’s!"
"I don’t want to go to the lengths you want me to for a third."
"The fact is, we probably both can. You game?"
"I’m in it with you. Trust me. Let me be in it with you."
"We’re moving on, Mel. This is our adoption packet."
"I’m fairly sure it’s about money—money sure solved all our problems eight years ago."
"That’s the closest thing to having an angel in charge we can think of."
"I’m just a woman like every other woman, a woman who wants to fulfill herself."
"I’d do anything for you, as long as I knew it wasn’t somehow the wrong thing to do."
"I can’t speak for Darla, but there hasn’t been a day in my life that I didn’t wake up and thank God for this woman."
"Our children will almost certainly have green eyes."
"No one is like everyone else, baby. We're all so different. We all have such different things we need. Such different burdens to carry..."
"Because you can't see it. But I feel it—there's a hole where the center of my life used to be."
"The most commonly uttered prayer is 'Oh, dear God, why can't I just be like everyone else?'"
"You're even better than when we met. You're everything."
"I want to bleed again, can you beat that? I should be so happy to be free of periods—but I miss them."
"We're going to give them to anyone who might need them—to any birth mother looking for a good family for her child."
"You’ve always been so mature about accepting what feels good…."
"That it’s loss, just like it was loss for Rick to lose a leg."
"Let’s spend every drop. On the kids, on our families, on your patients, on the town. On each other."