
Neighbors Quotes

Neighbors by Danielle Steel

Neighbors Quotes
"The perks felt like plucking ripe fruit from the trees."
"It was common practice and Jack and Debbie had no qualms about ripping off their employers."
"The world seemed dangerous and unfamiliar to her now."
"Meredith lived quietly and was content to do so."
"They shielded her from the public life she no longer wanted any part of."
"The memories of him were gentle now, not of the imagined horror of the day he drowned."
"Her contact with Kendall was minimal, and they had drifted apart, much to Meredith’s regret."
"The whole city was shut down and all businesses, schools, and offices were closed."
"She was loving it. Their being there gave her a purpose."
"Welcoming them into her home had made them feel safe and brought them comfort."
"You’re kind to take your neighbors in. Most of the houses I’ve been to so far have several additional people staying there, who couldn’t get home across the bridges, or whose houses are too damaged to be safe."
"You’re a doctor? I am. I’m an orthopedic surgeon. We’re on emergency status with double and triple shifts. I’m going back in a few hours."
"The casualties have been higher than we projected, but the death toll isn’t quite as bad as we feared with an earthquake of this magnitude."
"You have a great deal to offer. Don’t deprive others of your company, or yourself of the world. It’s a troubled place these days, which is all the more reason for you to participate in it."
"We have to get rid of them. These people are all over the house, and taking over her life. I’m watching fifteen years of hard labor and planning go up in smoke."
"Do you have dreams too, or you wouldn’t be taking classes. She knew that her time with Joel was finite."
"I feel alive for the first time in years. It’s terrible to say, but the earthquake is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I feel useful again."
"Your neighbors are very lucky that you’re letting them stay here. And I feel fortunate to have met you."
"It’s a little more complicated than that. My daughter and I talk on the phone, I’ll get to New York one of these days."
"If you touch me, or hit me again, I’m calling the police, and I’ll tell everyone in this house what you do to me."
"Most jobs are insignificant, unless you're saving lives or curing cancer."
"I guess I gave her the flying bug when she was a little kid."
"I just couldn't make myself go back after Justin died. It seemed so insignificant compared to losing him."
"He has fun with her. She's probably interchangeable to him, and one day she'll be disposable."
"He didn’t want anything too exotic, but he acted like he owned her."
"Is that why you don’t want to come to Europe with me?"
"She realized as he drove her home that she had forgotten to tell him she didn’t want to date him."
"Suddenly one day it’s staring you in the face."
"I wanted to talk to you, Meredith, about some of your security systems."
"Because of who you are, you’re a much bigger target than you realize for scams and dishonest people."
"You don’t need to be paranoid, but I want you to be really careful."
"I’ve seen heads of large corporations unwittingly become victims and prisoners of their employees."
"The right circumstances...and suddenly the tables turn."
"It’s sad to have to be so careful, but in your position, you have no other choice."
"Meeting him now would be a very foolish thing to do."
"I’m awake now. They hit me at my lowest point."
"He’s a doctor, he’s not supposed to do that."
"No one is supposed to hit other people, doctor or not."
"It’s the rents and the tears and breaks that make us who we are."
"The beauty is in the tears and the embroidery you put over them."
"Julia sank into the comforts of her grandmother’s home like it was a giant featherbed."
"She loved the fact that her grandmother had created a world where people felt loved and at home."
"I must look like a fool to you. Six months after Jack and Debbie got here, my whole life fell apart."
"I thought my dad would kill her, and I didn’t know what to do."
"It’s usually a very simple system that works best."
"Life was a patchwork of pieces and broken bits that became beautiful when you wove them together."
"I have everything I want, Julia…you…friends…"
"I’m not sure it matters. I have everything I want."
"I could never live there again. And Meredith was kind enough to let us stay here."