
Season Of Storms Quotes

Season Of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski

Season Of Storms Quotes
"Though the tremors were still distant, Idr felt them clearly and precisely."
"Carefully moving his appendages, he crawled out of the hole, slithered through the rotten log."
"He delved into the thicket, pressed the segmented plates of his abdomen against the ground."
"The pleasure he would experience when the shriek of pain pierces the air."
"The little girl let out a shrieked in terror."
"The witcher rushed towards her, grabbing his sword as he leapt."
"Had she continued to stay still, he wouldn't have made it."
"The monster still struggled, its appendages flailing wildly at the ground."
"‘You promised to kill the bogeyman,’ he said, without raising his head."
"Geralt placed the paper on the table, pushed it towards the official."
"‘These women have a natural right,’ Coral said dryly."
"A woman averse to motherhood soon becomes lustful, the thing is, after all, obvious and inevitable."
"‘You advise?’ Xander flared up, rising from his chair."
"The more affluent an official, the higher the prestige of the state."
"‘I have something to say,’ the King scratched behind his ear."
"The witcher, called Geralt of Rivia? In the name of the law you are under arrest."
"Firstly I discarded their sexual advances and they did not want to understand that no means no."
"The court rules to assign a bailment fee of five hundred Novigrad crowns."
"‘To show you that I can,’ she took the freesia out of his hand."
"You wouldn't dare to do something like that being in bed with Yennefer."
"Look at me. Into my eyes. Do you see any insincerity?"
"I come from Skellige. I have sea in my blood. And I love it."
"Coral, if you want to know my opinion belongs to women that should have constantly and clearly placed label. Saying 'Look, but don't touch'."
"I'm no-one. And I'll be no-one. Only she can change it."
"To achieve this you would need a lot more than..."
"An absolutely unique, incredible find, two witcher's swords."
"I prefer to be treated as a supernatural being with supernatural swords."
"What sense is there in knowing something you can't share?"
"It's good to be afraid. We feel fear, so there is something to be afraid of, so be careful."
"You don't have to defeat fear. It's sufficient to not yield to it."
"Farmers and workers only in a small part lived thinking only of today and today's vodka."
"Village fools sat in villages, behind barns, and not trying to act as tribunes."
"The best potato soup...is prepared by our women in Mahakam."
"I'm a Witcher. Doing my job, that's why my clothes are rough and I look neglected."
"Pigs, when they smell truffles, grow stupid from desire and greed."
"In the end, there is nothing funnier than fools."
"Hope for the best – be prepared for the worst."
"The court knows what sentence I expect them to make. Unanimously."
"In this country, the courts are independent. But the judge is not."
"Sensing a truffle, you have gone mad with greed and appetite."
"There must have been something significant happening for there to have been such significant personnel changes."
"Popular wisdom says: hope for the best – prepare for the worst."
"Couriers betray couriers. Why are you silent, son?"
"Whatever happens, I cannot be involved in this."
"There is at least some benefit from your visit here today."
"In the end, this is a morganatic marriage, the children of such marriages do not inherit titles, isn’t that so?"
"Because what is impossible today, may not be impossible tomorrow."
"Until now, the major success of progress has not been reached."
"There is something to fear. Because there will always be darkness."
"A witcher appears with sword in hand. With a sword, that’s brightness will cut the gloom, a light to dispel the darkness."
"I was very tired and fell asleep. And before that, I had a wonderful dream."
"I’ve come… I do not know why I have come. Maybe to say goodbye."