
The Children On The Hill Quotes

The Children On The Hill by Jennifer McMahon

The Children On The Hill Quotes
"The moon. Don’t look at the moon, full and swollen, big and bright."
"We sneaked out into the woods at midnight, did a spell under the full moon, cut our thumbs, drank a potion, burned a candle."
"I shift from one foot to the other, bits of my disguise clanking, rattling."
"I love this girl so much right now. All that she is. All that I will never be."
"I’m running, running, running, chasing this beautiful girl."
"And I’m a real monster now. Not just pretend."
""Gran’s strays," Vi and Eric called them—the patients Gran brought home."
"Sometimes, to get better, people need to feel like they’re at home."
"I thought about Patient S now as she walked back across the lawn."
"I knew the Inn had violent patients, people who had done terrible things not because they were terrible people, but because they were sick."
"A hospital, even a fine place like the Inn, it’s not exactly a nurturing environment."
"The girls always went missing on a full moon."
"The most dangerous monster of all, the one I’d been chasing my whole life."
"I’m not putting him off. I’ve already given him an answer—it’s just not what he wants to hear."
"You’re grasping at straws. Seeing patterns that aren’t there."
"And always, just before disappearing, the missing girl had told someone she’d had an encounter with the local legend."
"We haven’t come face-to-face with any monsters yet, but we’ve seen signs."
"I have no doubt that you’ll be able to help me. And to help Iris."
"I can give this girl what she most desires, but she isn’t even aware of her own desires."
"The tragedies we endure shape our lives: we carry them like shadows."
"Who are we without our memories? Without our fears? Without our traumas?"
"The air down here felt like poison in my lungs."
"I have, wrote Gran, given this child a new life."
"Sometimes monsters dwelled in enchanted places."
"I remembered playing hide-and-seek when we were kids, counting to fifty with my head buried in the living room couch cushions."
"It felt as if the whole world was holding its breath."
"I swallowed down the lump that was starting to form in my throat."
"The first thing you need to know is that monsters are real."
"I thought of Frankenstein, of the monster throwing the doctor off the top of the windmill."
"We cannot change the past. All we can control is this moment."
"The truth about monsters. I know because you taught me."
"Sometimes a monster doesn’t know that it’s a monster."
"Monsters will always be monsters, and they are always dangerous."
"You’re not a monster," Vi said. "You won’t hurt me."
"I promise," Vi said. "We’re going to find out who you really are."
"We share the same heart, the same memories."
"This girl you wrote the book with, she’s your sister?"
"I remember the sound of your shoes on the floor down here. Clip-clop, clip-clop."
"I gave you everything, Violet. You’re the best thing I’ve ever done."
"Because we know every monster has a motivation, a driving force."
"Each time I transform a girl, it’s YOU I’m saving."
"She saved me because... because... because... Because I could not save you."