
Return To Virgin River Quotes

Return To Virgin River by Robyn Carr

Return To Virgin River Quotes
"I think it’s a combination of being very clever and also lucky, but you always land on your feet."
"My storytelling always swept me away. Saved me. Till now."
"I’ll go get us Mediterranean and we’ll eat on the patio."
"It’s much better to make up a story without naming names."
"It’s always there and it’s always at the center of your life and then one day you realize with some surprise that you had a fairly good day and you wonder if grief left."
"The point is not to get you to love dogs. It’s so you don’t have to feel that terror every time you see one."
"With the right dog, for starters. A dog you can absolutely trust."
"Kind of the reverse of your situation. I found a dog who had been abandoned and abused."
"I want to work with people who want happy dogs. That’s a tall enough order."
"I wasn’t there for you when I should have been."
"I still find it hard to focus, hard to concentrate."
"You can’t have a pot of green beans without pork of some kind."
"And I think it’s time, Kaylee. Time for you to get a little closer to Otis."
"I think she made up half his stories. He was immature."
"It was good," he said. "I had fun. I had friends."
"I’ve written a few terrible husbands named Dick or Richard or Rick or Dax."
"She had a dream and she wanted it so bad, nothing was going to get in her way."
"You know, when I hear of a problem or have an issue that needs to be resolved, I often don’t really know how it should work out until I write about it."
"I’ll never be world famous, but I do a good little business."
"I might be greedy, but that’s just not enough love to keep me going."
"I can’t bear to see you hurting. It’s too familiar."
"Don’t worry. I have enough morphine in me to sink a ship."
"Feeling a little sorry for yourself? Do something nice for someone else."
"And why should she have regrets? She was nearly perfect."
"It would break my mother’s heart to think I’m dreading Christmas."
"Sometimes the girl squad has to step in and make it happen."
"I’m not looking for someone to share a house with, I just want someone to share a life with."
"I think the spirit of Christmas is about giving."
"The least you can do is put out an ornament or two."
"I see clients who are angry and unforgiving."
"We liked our own space, yet we were very close."
"I may be a fool, but that’s a step worth acknowledging."
"I’ve come to the conclusion one should never make a major business decision while trying to survive Christmas."
"Our close connections aren’t always planned. They grow."
"There’s a great trick to escaping the pain of loss, and that is giving."
"She loves me when it’s convenient. That’s a pretty poor excuse to stay married."
"An apology and an effort are both rare and valuable."
"Virgin River—Built By Men Of Honor For The Women They Love." It was perfect.
"That is the spirit and essence of Virgin River—the town we all want to call home."
"Keep reading to discover this series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Robyn Carr."
"She didn’t understand how her heart could feel as if it was breaking every day."
"He broke up with me. He said he couldn’t take it anymore. My emotional behavior, my many troubles."
"People tend to treat a miscarriage like a heavy period, but it’s a death. You lost your baby."
"No one knows about the pregnancy but you and Andrew."
"Maggie, you gotta get me out of here. They won’t leave me alone."
"It’s different when it’s your father, when your father is Sully, the most beloved general-store owner in a hundred square miles."