
The Dark Is Rising Sequence Quotes

The Dark Is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper

The Dark Is Rising Sequence Quotes
"Too many kids in this family, that’s what. Just too many."
"You’d think this house was big enough, but there’s always people."
"The snow lay thin and apologetic over the world."
"Four days to Christmas, I wish it would snow properly."
"The gift he most wished for on his birthday was something nobody could give him: it was snow, beautiful, deep, blanketing snow, and it never came."
"Something’s wrong, that’s all. Something’s awful."
"The Walker is abroad, the Rider is riding; they have woken, the Dark is rising."
"For all times co-exist, and the future can sometimes affect the past, even though the past is a road that leads to the future."
"Forests are not biddable places, and the kings were without knowing it establishing a haven too for the powers of the Dark."
"You will be all right. Take things as they come. Remember that the power protects you."
"Never mind. You can forgive him for wanting to wake us up today. After all, he has a good reason."
"One more winter like this, and I going back to Port of Spain."
"You gonna fix it? Well, no, friend, I probably can't get you a warm Christmas Day really, but I could warm things up a bit here, now."
"If you don't trust someone just once, for long enough to give him the Sign, you'll be carrying it for ever."
"The last of the Old Ones has come, Walker, and it is time."
"Do not trust anyone unless you have to, then you'll survive to do what you're here for."
"We are not in real time; at least, we are in past time, and even that we seem to be able to stretch as we wish, to make it go fast, or slow."
"Only the small group who had remained in the room earlier were Old Ones."
"The witch-girl is here. And I think you should stay beside me, Will Stanton, for this next while, and watch with me, for I do not greatly care to watch alone."
"The Dark cannot destroy me, for I am an Old One, but it could perhaps by magic have tricked me into taking out the Book."
"The Dark and the Rider are kinder masters than the Light."
"The whole purpose was to have a man involved. This is a cold battle we are in, Will, and in it we must sometimes do cold things."
"And the doom that Hawkin has brought upon himself, by this act, is a dread matter, which will make him many times wish that he might die."
"Nothing that matters is outside Time. And comes from there and can go there."
"It is the Hunting of the Wren, performed every year since men can remember, at the solstice."
"They wore scarves over their ears, heavy gloves, and three sweaters each under their coats."
"It was mid-morning, but the snow was coming down as relentlessly as ever."
"In the village store, Mrs Pettigrew’s tiny dog was curled up in a twitching grey heap."
"Mrs Pettigrew was in a state. She twittered and dithered with nervousness."
"We already are cut off," said her son lugubriously.
"And nobody with any fuel," Mrs Pettigrew sniffed.
"Merriman’s eyes narrowed slightly. 'But with no such intention.'"
"The sky hung grey and heavy, waiting to snow."
"The Dark Ages were rightly named, a shadowy time for the world, when the Black Riders rode unhindered over all our land."
"Only the Old Ones and a few noble brave men like this one kept the Light alive."
"When this king’s father died, he was laid in a ship in the same way, with all his most splendid possessions round him."
"They vent their spite, because they know they are too late."
"The king’s men set fire to it and sent it off burning alone over the sea, a tremendous sailing pyre."
"Fire on the mountain shall find the harp of gold Played to wake the Sleepers, oldest of the old."
"All shall find the light at last, silver on the tree."
"The Dark is vanquished, at last, in this encounter. Nothing may outface the Wild Hunt."
"We are made stronger by your completed quest, Will Stanton, and closer to gaining the last victory, at the very end."
"The Signs are the second of the four Things of Power, that have slept these many centuries, and they are a great part of our strength."
"Each of the Things of Power was made at a different point in Time by a different craftsman of the Light, to await the day when it would be needed."