
Salem Falls Quotes

Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult

Salem Falls Quotes
"Is there no good penitence but it be public?" - THE CRUCIBLE
"I think," she said after a moment, "I'm going to build a snowman."
"Luck is finding out the repairman could come a day early."
"You got the Devil’s own luck," Delilah told Addie.
"I’m not talking about Officer Courtemanche," Addie said through clenched teeth. "I meant my father."
"Arresting a sixty-five-year-old man isn’t my idea of saving his life," she huffed.
"Some men ought to come with an expiration date."
"It’s probably used to cure leather or something . . . but it also cleans just about every mess you can imagine." - Addie
"The moon is falling out of the sky," Roy murmured.
"He’s just a guy who’s down on his luck, Darla."
"Then he’s not your date for tonight, either?"
"God help me, Addie, but that piss-and-vinegar thing you’ve got going is some turn-on."
"But you play again next night, and the next. And the minute you fuck up, you’re mine." - Mountain
"Everyone knows he blames himself for what happened."
"All it takes is a second and your whole life can get turned upside down," he agreed.
"I wouldn’t have invited you if I didn’t think it was okay," Gillian said.
"And when Chelsea clasped Gillian’s hand, the air grew too thick to breathe."
"I’m not serving now. We’re sculpting." - Addie
"I’m smart enough to know that you’re not going to break me, not even if you screw me three times a day for the next seven months." - Jack
"Words were like eggs dropped from great heights: You could no more call them back than ignore the mess they left when they fell."
"You can’t judge a man by actions he hasn’t committed."
"No matter how many times she insisted she’d made this all up, they didn’t want to hear."
"To find out a heart she’d believed irrevocably broken had somewhere along the way been fixed."
"The truth was that although she found it hard to believe and had no idea how it had happened, she could no more picture her life without Jack than she could without Chloe."
"Guardians of the watchtowers of the east, where sun, moon, and stars are born, I do summon, stir, and call you up!"
"The fresh scent of Tide rose from the bowl of the machine. 'Goodbye,' Addie whispered."
"As a parent, he was overprotective; more than a few times he’d heard town matrons talking about the tragedy it was that he’d not married again, for Gilly’s sake."
"Jack tried to wipe the back of his mouth with his hand, but it took him three tries before he could connect."
"Marlon snorted. 'Fucking Einstein,' he muttered."
"Jack staggered to his feet-something truly commendable, because he couldn’t sense anything past his knees."
"Marlon shook his head as Jack wilted back onto the stool. 'You should have stopped after the fifth one.'"
"Charlie opened the door in his bathrobe. 'You may be the richest fucking guy in this town, Duncan, but that doesn’t mean you own the civil servants.'"
"Her face came up, white and stained with tears, like a web of scars. 'It . . . was . . . him.'"
"Every muscle in Charlie’s body tensed. 'Who, honey?'"
"His daughter spotted him. 'Daddy,' she said, and threw herself into his arms."
"Like I'm sitting... way up high and seeing this girl in the woods... how he grabs her... and when he runs away, it's like all of a sudden I'm gone too."
"If that’s true, then of all the people in the world, why did he pick me?"
"If the Carroll County Jail had custody of his body, then Jack would damn well keep custody of his own free will."
"I remember leaving Addie’s... and then finding her again at the diner."
"I will kill myself before I sit in jail again for a crime I didn’t commit."
"The whole time, you’re thinking that the worst that’s happened is a mosquito bite."
"You listen to me, Jack. I didn’t put you in jail last year, and I didn’t get you arrested this time around, either."
"Now, she thought, he wouldn’t look twice at me."
"You can’t look back-you just have to put the past behind you, and find something better in your future."
"Sometimes we don’t have a choice about what life throws us."
"I wish I could turn back time and do it all over again."
"Being arrested in front of your girlfriend has an uncanny way of ruining a relationship."
"A lie took two parties-the weaver of the tale and the sucker who so badly wanted to believe it."
"Most of us are a lot stupider than he is and don’t have nearly the finesse to carry off that kind of ruse."
"As a father-well, hell, if someone knew that about Thomas, I’d want to be told."
"The best way to prevent a heartache was to cushion the coming blow."
"I’m seeing you stretched out on a picnic blanket in my backyard with an entire feast you’ve cooked just for me."
"I was delighted to hear that, too. I had my doubts, since you said he used a condom."
"Losing Chloe had been like reading a wonderful book only to realize that all the pages past a certain point were blank."
"Sometimes, when I think I’m going to lose it in here, I just imagine that I’m already out."
"You never know. Maybe she’ll keep them coming anyway."
"He loves me," Emma said fiercely. "He loves me."
"You can tell her, but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna change anything."
"You’ve thought about, every day, haven’t you?"
"You didn’t ruin my life, Charlie. You raped me. There’s a difference."
"The more you get past pain, the more it goes from coal to diamond."
"I’m not going to ask you to forgive me, and I know I can’t ask you to forget."
"When you hear a young girl like Gillian Duncan say she was raped, you want to believe her."
"The only crime Jack St. Bride committed was being in the wrong place at the wrong time."