
Zombies Vs. Unicorns Quotes

Zombies Vs. Unicorns by Holly Black

Zombies Vs. Unicorns Quotes
"Zombies or Unicorns? Well, okay, maybe not since the dawn of time, but definitely since February 2007."
"Zombies, which can be used to comment on almost any aspect of our existence. They are walking entropy."
"What are unicorns? Fluffy, monochrome, sticky tedium."
"Unicorns are majestic beasts that are at once symbols of healing and fierce killers with long pointy objects attached to their heads."
"Between a unicorn and a zombie, which would you rather be trapped down a mine shaft with?"
"Zombies shamble. I disapprove of shambling. And they have bits that fall off."
"But Holly, if you ask nicely, a zombie will give you a piggyback ride even if you are not a virgin."
"But the horn of a unicorn can cure diseases! Possibly the diseases you might get from accepting a piggyback ride from a zombie."
"What did you do? How did you do that? I'm going to flay the skin off your bones."
"I can't believe you're worrying about the troll that was going to eat us."
"There are things in this world greater than you or me."
"Time still hasn’t caught up to Iza, and she feels sleep-drugged and slow."
"She vows then that she would learn to be more like her father."
"Gravity pulls harder on troubles than on anything else."
"It’s how we’ll survive this. It’s the only way."
"She feels like she can see every possible answer to her possible question on his face: regret, love, fear, shame, guilt, resignation, hope."
"The whole thing was sealed off by an extraordinary baby gate—about five feet of a clear fine mesh of very strong plastic, clamped from wall to wall."
"I can’t really take them outside," the woman explained, "so I tried to bring the outside in."
"They come from all different countries," their mother went on. "None of them are native English speakers."
"Mommy has to go on a trip. A very short trip. Mommy has to go to London, just for a day. Just for a day."
"They moved like toddlers, even though they were older than that and should have had more of the easy grace of kindergartners."
"This is all I thought about, day and night, for a week after Franklin’s vanishing act."
"As mech goes forward, this step will be skipped, and the body will go right from sleep to True Health …"
"The time is coming very soon when the re-an period will start, and it’s important to prepare your mind for the transition, for your first eternal morning …"
"I was just an overpaid babysitter working for a famous, friendly nutcase."
"My parents deemed it unnecessarily macabre, and not only forbade me from watching the news, but also hid the metro section of the newspaper the following day."
"The one that bowed before me and begged me to save her child."
"That’s the one from the fair. They have the wrong one. The one that killed Rebec—it’s still out there."
"It’s the unicorn," Summer explains. "Those kids it killed—they were her cousins."
"You did the right thing," Mom says. "Running away from a populated area. It was stupid to reopen the parks, to think there was only one of them out there… ."
"How can we guard ourselves against unicorns when I’m spending half my nights feeding one from a bottle?"
"I wonder if the unicorn is waiting out there for me, or if it has enough sense to go back into hiding."
"Dogs and cats and great white sharks do that too. Biscuit likes leaving mice and frogs and crickets as gifts on old Mrs. Schaffer’s porch."
"But if I don’t stop dwelling on Flayer, Yves will be able to read the truth on my face."
"It’s a unicorn, isn’t it? A unicorn ate Biscuit."
"If only they knew how much Flayer loves me, and I him."
"It’s their planet, after all. The six billion have all the real estate, except for a few little patches that are slowly dying."
"Sooner or later, something random has to happen."
"We’ll just have to keep our distance, like with Venom at the sideshow."
"I know you’re too old for High School Musical, honey, but it was that or Dora the Explorer at Party Kaboose."
"What stood in the barn in front of Liz, glowing softly with a kind of inner luminescence that seemed to have nothing to do with the electrical light from the bulbs hanging from the rafters some thirty feet overhead, was not a horse."
"Just want to tell you what a joy it is to have you for a niece, and how much beauty you bring into the world, Liz!"
"Elizabeth Gretchen Freelander," her mother said sharply.
"I told you she wouldn’t like it, Debbie," he said sadly to his wife.
"No, you don’t," Ted said. "You think you’re too cool for unicorns."
"You’re the one who’s been stealing plaster geese from people’s front yards?"
"Portland has been a good place for a unicorn to hide."
"I have been hoping for a woodsy boy—the son of an avid deer hunter."
"She is covered with scars. Her nose is half gone."
"I was peeking through an apple-size gap in the pine boughs."
"Thinking about how to make her listen, how to win her pity, her gratitude, her love, and, eventually, her obedience, made me tremble."
"It took seven long days for her to come back. The anticipation was wonderful."
"I recognized the rhythm of her steps before I saw her."
"I felt her anger, her desperate pain, her beautiful need."
"Her scars were truly awful. She was fortunate to be alive."
"You don’t want to die. You just wanted to pretend someone loves you."
"There’s no help coming. It’s like the last month of school all the time."
"I’m telling you, we could put this shit on TV."
"Repent! The end days are upon us and we must be purified by the holy fire!"
"The whole house burned down. My cousin lived in our basement and he was cooking meth."