
Kill Shot Quotes

Kill Shot by Vince Flynn

Kill Shot Quotes
"I want to make it through life with one agent, one editor, one publisher, and one wife. I like working with people I admire and trust, and I like stability."
"Instead of facing the scariest moment of your life alone you find yourself surrounded by people you care about and who genuinely care for you."
"To my wife Lysa... Thank you for being there every step of the way with your grace, perspective, and love. You are the best."
"His record to date was perfect, and that in its own way added to Kennedy’s tension. No one was perfect."
"Instinctively, Kennedy liked the simplicity."
"Justice is blind, and if you train a man to become judge, jury, and executioner... well, then you shouldn’t be surprised if he someday fails to see the distinction between a terrorist and a corrupt, self-serving bureaucrat."
"Knowing you are all out there makes it a little less scary."
"Killing these assholes was the most therapeutic thing he’d ever done in his life."
"The best time to strike was this witching hour, between dusk and dawn, when the overwhelming majority of the human race was asleep."
"If it took world-class athletes hours to warm up before a major event, how would a man defend himself when yanked from deep sleep?"
"Pain was something, however, that he had learned to deal with a long time ago."
"The thought of a warm shower brought a smile to his face."
"Despite the chill, beads of sweat coated his forehead."
"He was lucky to only have been struck by a single bullet."
"I wish I could say more, but I can't. You're just going to have to trust me on this."
"If anyone were in a position to set him up it would be her."
"I'm afraid one of his little operations is going to blow up in our faces."
"The last thing we need is a Cold War cowboy running Langley."
"He does tend to run his own turf, and doesn’t take too kindly to anyone sticking his nose in his business."
"I thought you would. The bastard supposedly retired, but guys like Hurley don’t retire, they keep screwing with stuff in the shadows until the day they die."
"The president wants someone he can trust at Langley."
"I’m afraid with the director slot open he’s gotten even worse."
"It’s a new world now. No more of this Check Point Charlie, Berlin espionage where we need our own ruthless son of a bitch to go up against the Russians’ ruthless son of a bitch."
"The operative phrase being ‘back in the day.’ It’s a new world now."
"I will make sure her focus is on foreign intelligence agencies."
"I’m not the one who should be explaining myself."
"I’m afraid one of the priests will come down here to investigate why they have a screaming terrorist in the basement of their blessed church."
"I’ll use whatever tone I like, you little turd."
"Life has been good to me, young Paul, but I’m afraid my days here on earth are drawing to an end."
"Hurley would blame him for screwing this up."
"I don’t suppose you are going to tell me how this happened?"
"If communism is so wonderful, then why must they force people to participate? If it is so wonderful, why do they control the press? Why do they have to spy on their own people?"
"You either want to make a boatload of money tonight, for very little work, or you don’t."
"I’m easy to deal with as long as you don’t try to fuck me."
"I’m someone who could make you a lot of money tonight. All I need to know is are you in or are you out."
"Trust me when I tell you these guys have more to fear than I do."
"If communism is so great, then why do we have to bring our own toilet paper everywhere we go?"
"I’m not afraid of Paul Fournier. He can’t intimidate and use his dirty tricks in the bright light of day."
"This isn’t the type of job you just quit. You’re going to have to trust me on this."
"We need to move fast. Don’t worry about Fournier. He put himself in the middle of this by showing up at the crime scene."
"I’ll let go of your arm when I’m fucking ready."
"I'm not going to tell you again. Pick up the chair and sit down."
"I promised Doc that I wouldn’t kill him, so it’s up to you."
"I gave him a bunch of chances to tell the truth."
"Just don’t get killed and don’t leave any fingerprints."
"If you already know it, then why are you asking me?"