
The Killing Dance Quotes

The Killing Dance by Laurell K. Hamilton

The Killing Dance Quotes
"I'll be all right. Are you going to be charged?"
"It wasn't that you risked your life," Richard said, "it was that you got rid of me before you did it."
"You don't understand what you're saying," Richard said. "It isn't a fair question unless she understands it."
"Don't you even have the balls to be angry that she slept with a subordinate male?"
"A threat's not worth anything if you aren't willing to back it up," I said.
"You don't just believe in something when it's easy, Anita. Killing is wrong."
"We are not animals, Anita. Just because this is the way it's always been in the pack doesn't mean things can't change."
"You were right," he said, "it was a trap. Happy?"
"And you think if I started killing people, it wouldn't bother me?"
"I'm all right. Just get me out of here." His voice sounded weak, thready, like he was losing consciousness.
"I won't. Marcus will win this fight because you are a fucking bleeding heart."
"I said I'd kill for you, Anita." His voice was soft and harsh at the same time. "Don't you believe I'd do it?"
"This is my lupa. Know her scent, know her skin. She has shed our blood, and shed her blood for us. She stands as protector for those weaker than herself. She will kill for us, if we ask. She is your alpha."
"You made it personal last night with Raina, Anita. You have no idea how dangerous she is."
"You will kill him; promise me." His jaw tightened, the muscle thrumming. "I promise."
"I told you, I don't want anyone being ordered to take a bullet for me."
"You need a clear head to plan?" I nodded. "Yeah."
"Everyone's cannon fodder," Edward said, "eventually."
"Edward, I'll be there when you need me." I met his eyes. "I know you will."
"Once you decide to start killing, it never stops, does it?" "No," I said.
"Besides, you're over five hundred years old. I don't think one shot to the head will kill you, not permanently at least."
"If you want to accidentally shoot the woman in the head, it's too risky."
"Vaulting the railing might have looked better, but it made it damn hard to hold a target."
"You don't want to crowd me, boys and girls, so move it!"
"She will not be harmed, Anita. Just a little fun."
"She's unwilling. That's against the law, even for entertainment purposes."
"The Church had a theory that vampires could be cured by holy items."
"He was my companion for over a century. After a century, I would mourn even an enemy's passing."
"You don't understand what he is. He isn't dead."
"It's the most secure place in town and has built-in bodyguards."
"If they want to harm Jean-Claude, killing me would be a good way to do it."
"I'm not too happy with him right now, either."
"Don't cross the line with me, Anita. We're friends, but I'm a cop first."
"I'll make sure she gets into a cab that really is going to take her home."
"Trust me now. I won't let anything happen to you, Anita."
"You don't do anything without a dozen ulterior motives."
"Lead, and I'll follow, Richard. But lead, really lead, or get out of the way."
"You are my lupa, Anita, but I am still Ulfric. I won't let you do to me what Raina has done to Marcus. I lead this pack."
"Being able to feed power through my blood is a rare talent. It's impressive, but it won't be enough."
"I would never hurt you willingly. You know that."
"There is nothing that you could ever do that would make me not desire the touch of your body."
"Don't take this wrong, but it makes me feel better to see that pain in your eyes."
"I always seem to survive, Richard, no matter who else dies."
"It was like the trees moved away from him like water, or maybe moved into him like something else that I had no words for."
"I heard that music, felt it dance inside my body."
"I shook my head. 'I don't know what I believe anymore.'"
"One look was enough. He looked like I'd hit him between the eyes with a sledgehammer."
"It was like being dipped in reality, as if anything else would forever be a dream."
"I offered you life, Marcus. You chose death."
"His voice was deep and thick. It flowed with its own edge of power, but it wasn't enough."
"I thought I'd get to chase you. This isn't any fun."
"Don't do what? Don't be mad that you let the vampire fuck you?"
"You'll only have one chance to fuck me, Gabriel. One way or another, Rainy will see me dead tonight."