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Next by Michael Crichton

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"The more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless." - STEVEN WEINBERG
"The word 'cause' is an altar to an unknown god." - WILLIAM JAMES
"What is not possible is not to choose." - JEAN-PAUL SARTRE
"This novel is fiction, except for the parts that aren't."
"We live in a time when one fifth of all our genes are owned by someone else."
"The future is closer than you think. Get used to it."
"Humans and chimpanzees differ in only 400 genes; is that why an adult human being resembles a chimp fetus?"
"We are poised to see the greatest growth of any industry since computers thirty years ago."
"They don't want the paralyzed to walk, the cancer patient to thrive, the sick child to live and play."
"People will try to obstruct progress. Even our best companies find themselves embroiled in pointless, unproductive litigation."
"Cultures are vulnerable to fungus, bacterial infection, contamination, mutation. All kinds of things can go wrong."
"I’m nobody," the young man said. "You never met me."
"You can’t legally sell your cells at this point, because the court has ruled you no longer own them—BioGen does."
"Adult stem cells can generate new cells, but only of the tissue in which they are found."
"The current American administration has said that embryonic stem cells can be taken from existing research lines, but not from new embryos."
"Human stem cell treatment seemed suddenly on the verge of reality."
"Persistent hype lends unwarranted credulity to the wildest claims."
"Fraud in science is not rare, and it’s not limited to fringe players."
"Science is as corruptible a human activity as any other."
"I think we ought to," Marilee said. "Because according to the hospital file, the deceased’s son works for a biotech company, and the wife works in a pediatrician’s office. I assume both have access to biologicals. At this point, we can’t be certain that Mr. Weller wasn’t poisoned."
"Doesn’t that imply there is a danger in media hype? You bet."
"Genetic engineering is simply another step in this long-accepted tradition."
"Should we not cure these diseases if we can? Should we not alleviate suffering whenever we can?"
"We are put here to reflect the glory of God in all His works, and not the willful ego of man."
"God shall lead us, in the end, to the world that He wants for us."
"Any research that Washington blocked would take place in Shanghai, or Seoul, or São Paulo."
"Gene patents by industry pose a significant problem for future research."
"Gene patenting in general is a system that serves the common good."
"We’re not talking about Dumbo ears. Just a small increase of 20 percent in pinna size would double auditory efficiency."
"All that separates our two species is five hundred genes."
"No humans have the Gc form of sialic acid. All apes have it."
"He’s part of our family now—thanks to you. We have no choice."
"Despite what you hear, nobody has ever proven a single gene causes a single human behavioral trait."
"Call it an urban legend. Call it a media myth."
"The natural world has yet to be tamed. Colonized by commerce. It remains virgin."
"I think, that green does a funny thing to my complexion. Makes me look sick."
"I want to know why my daughter has these things, but she refuses to tell me."
"When you buy a PermaPuppy, it stays a puppy forever."
"But they might as well use their fat to help worthy causes."
"It can't be kept from you. It's your property wherever it is."
"I trust we can all agree that we are not talking about diamond rings."
"I would ask the court to stick narrowly to the issue at hand."
"The notion that such biological elements are in private hands is only odd because it is new to us."
"We are talking about cells that reside inside the human body."
"The notion that the hospital or the doctor may dispose of the fetus as they wish, is clearly unreasonable and inhuman."
"The top of their heads are wider than the bottom."
"My, my. Such a lot of guns around town, and so few brains."
"The genome is our common heritage, going back millions of years, and it is absurd that anyone should own any part of it."
"Genetic therapy...has great promise and great hazards."
"Stem cell research is more a political football than a therapeutic issue, at this point."
"On major human life decisions, I don’t think there is great value in deciding what you will do until you are actually faced with the issue."
"We need Congress to make [federal guidelines regarding tissues] the law of the land."
"I hope that such unsavory narratives as the Vioxx scandal will convince the public that we need better and more independent sources of information."
"I just read a lot. It’s faster to read than talk."
"Whatever research isn’t done in the United States will be done in Shanghai."
"Making the story clear is accomplished by rewriting and rewriting until the technical passages are understandable."
"The future is bright and exciting, and it will challenge us to think in fresh ways about our lives."