
The 9th Girl Quotes

The 9th Girl by Tami Hoag

The 9th Girl Quotes
"Twenty percent gratuity included was his mantra."
"The streets were busy and dangerous with drivers who were half-drunk and half-lost."
"A woman popped up in the trunk of the car like a freak-show jack-in-the-box."
"She looked like a freaking zombie—one eye wide open, mouth gaping in a scream; half her face looked melted away."
"The screams were deafening then as the Wild Thing struck the zombie."
"It’s not that easy to open a bottle and pour out the contents."
"You make life more complicated than it needs to be."
"It’s a wonder half of the male population even makes it to maturity."
"She lay like a broken doll, limbs at unnatural angles to the body."
"I hated being fifteen. Every day I felt like I was holding my breath, waiting for someone to see through me."
"The best thing about high school: It doesn't last forever. And when it's over, none of what seemed so important about it matters at all."
"Misery everywhere. Despair from one side of the country to the other."
"Is your daughter missing? We may have found her murdered corpse… ."
"If I had a sixteen-year-old daughter, I'd have her microchipped with GPS."
"He’s your brother. And I don’t care if he’s a dork. You stick up for your brother."
"Sometimes I think, what if I had a different profession?"
"I have him right here with me, and I don’t even know who he is."
"He wished he had Ultor’s strength and the powerful energy currents Ultor could send from his hands to battle his enemies."
"The reality is I spend most of my time trying to earn a living to keep a roof over their heads."
"He admired his masterpiece, grinning, then laughing, feeling light and happy for the first time in days."
"Nobody thinks that’s gonna happen to them, but it does."
"I don’t believe in putting labels on people, except dickheads like Aaron Fogelman."
"Why do you guys always think kids are into drugs? Not everybody is into drugs!"
"She had been portrayed by people who knew her as an angry girl, but she wasn’t angry in the photo."
"This was his purpose in life. This was his calling."
"I don’t love why I had to do it, but I couldn’t imagine doing anything else."
"Most cops he knew took their twenty years and got out."
"He knew to the day how long before he got his thirty years in."
"I don’t know for a fact. In the meantime, maybe we stir up someone who saw something."
"I have an obligation to my students and to their parents."
"We can’t make assumptions about anyone in your daughter’s life."
"Still… no coincidence was a good coincidence as far as Liska was concerned."
"I would rather come back in my next life as a sewer rat than have to be a teenager again."
"We try to make sense of things that can’t be made sense of."
"If you don’t think that’s terrible, Jessie, what kind of fucked-up person are you?"
"If you put out raw emotion, people can reject you directly, personally."
"Hell of a world, he thought. News people reporting on news people missing because they were covering the news so people sitting in the safety of their homes could dig up some sympathy while secretly feeling glad their lives were so mundane they would never make it on the news themselves."
"God forbid we let any hour of the day go by undocumented, unrecorded, or without scrutiny."
"She is very friendly. People know her. They speak to her always. She always has a smile."
"I’m glad to know Penny had a friend like you."
"People could be selfish and people could be evil, and even if your only real desire in the world was to be accepted, life could fuck you up in the blink of an eye for no reason that made any sense to anyone."
"What good would it have done to call the police? It happened in the heat of the moment. She just snapped."
"But she wasn’t dead when you poured that acid on her face."