
Sophie's Heart Quotes

Sophie's Heart by Lori Wick

Sophie's Heart Quotes
"Our hearts will always be joined in Christ. You must never forget this."
"Follow after God's heart, my dear child, for this is what He has planned for you."
"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
"I have not had touch in many months—not since coming to America."
"It won’t be a pain to be with children either."
"I have so long prayed that God would take me to a quieter place, and now I feel that He has opened the door."
"I know that God is taking care of me, but it is very lonely here."
"The drive to Wisconsin was made in marvelous comfort."
"I think that’s reasonable. If we let you go in less time than that, you can still count on a month’s pay."
"I’m trying to be thankful that your Aunt Janet sent Sophie to us."
"Housework was never your mother’s strong point, so I can honestly say it’s never looked quite like this."
"I would love to have your mother back, but that’s not going to happen."
"It’s our food, let’s say we let me worry about it."
"It's foolish for someone to apologize for someone else. Only the person who offended can really do the job, but I'll try anyway. I'm sorry for the way you were treated tonight."
"Feeling very selfish and unworthy at that point and also very tired, he sought his bed."
"She had fallen asleep last night while still asking God what she was to do, and Sophie knew that all that was expected of her was to trust."
"The walk was a pleasant one. The early-morning sunshine promised a warm day."
"We heard so much. We heard there was such freedom and opportunity and that it was a land of untold hope."
"Sophie’s palms were only slightly damp when she rang the bell at Mrs. Nickelberry’s front door, but there was no need to be anxious."
"She was nearly back to the Rileys’ before she felt her feet on the pavement."
"I wish I could tell you to return to your regular duties tomorrow, but I can’t do that."
"With that admission, Alec realized just how true it was. His eyes slid shut in pain."
"I’m ready to go forth and save the world, Lord, but those closest to me need me more. Help me to help them."
"What I’m trying to say, Sophie, is that if you ever need a place, come here."
"I want to do this, Lord. I want to learn to drive."
"You’re a wonderful person, did you know that, Tory?"
"We are healing, Craig, and in time we’ll feel like a family again."
"I don’t think they really need advice as much as they need companionship."
"I am just learn of the wall," she said in explanation, and the kids all nodded.
"I am happy, Rita, but I left my babushka behind and I could have brought her with me."
"Sophie, cook the meal and then take yourself out of here."
"You must write or call. I am even so desperate that I’m including the Rileys’ phone number. I must hear from you soon. Please, babushka, don’t torture me any longer."
"Christianity started in my family with my great-grandmother."
"She tells her family what has happened about the baby, and they take care of her, but she still sees the older couple every week for prayer and Bible study."
"They tell Sophie how to have hope in God’s Son, too."
"I’m dying to ask you something, Sophie, but I’m so afraid of hurting your feelings."
"I will not be hurt, Gladys. You must believe me."
"I don’t know if you have hand-me-downs in Czechoslovakia, but in America it’s not at all unusual to pass used clothing to others."
"Not buy, Sophie, take. I’m going to be giving them away."
"Yes, you could. Now come with me, my girl. You’re about to go shopping."
"It is nice. I am very comfortable. Rileys have been kind to me."
"I have enjoyed these two days so much, Gladys. Thank you for all your work."
"Sophie couldn’t help herself. She had to take her new suit down and try it on again."
"Alec Riley is the best thing that ever happened to our daughter."
"You always take his side because he’s always right!"
"I always take his side because he’s always right."
"Who would have thought that such a small thing would mean so much to his young heart?"
"Rest in Me, Sophie. Rest in me for every hurt. I will never let you fall."
"It was not true with Job, Lord, and I don’t want it to be true with me."
"Thank You for the things You have to teach me. Please, if You’re going to take her, do so swiftly, Lord. Don’t let her suffer long."
"It still seems sudden to you. Like it was day before and not year before."
"God had to breathe for me. I swear He did, or I wouldn’t have made it."
"I was so afraid that I wouldn’t find them anything, Lord, but You provided."
"Dear Mr. Riley, Please accept this card with my thanks for the job you have given me."
"If you’ll watch ‘The Price is Right’ here, and I watch it in Chicago, it’ll be like we’re watching it together."
"I wear them as much as I can, Mom. I’m so sorry."
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"I am going up to bed now, Craig. I will talk to you tomorrow."
"Tell your father tonight, Craig. Do not wait."
"Your mother would not have wanted you to hurt that way, but she would have been pleased that you now want to obey her."
"I forgive you, Craig, and I hope and pray that you won't let it build again. Come to me, and I'll help you however I can."
"Dear heavenly Father, thank You for this food and all the work Sophie does."
"Your job will still be there when you get back on your feet."
"I am not their mother, and I do not wish to interfere."
"Your father is kind enough to include me on this trip. He does not need to buy clothes, too."
"Don't you have odd phrases in Czechoslovakia?"
"Sophie couldn’t speak. She was dying right on the spot, and no words would come."
"He has made you like part of his family, Sophie."
"I need to know total, Mr. Riley, so I can pay you my debt."
"It must have been about four, maybe five years ago now that David Ring and I attended a men’s seminar together."
"I don’t want you to pay me back for the clothes, Sophie."
"You are a part of our family now, and I’ll treat you as such."
"You will see her everywhere, and if you are not careful, the whole week will be sad."
"I would go with my grandmother to church and then have ham dinner. Was best of the whole year."
"I thought they were all over." Sophie looked so let down that Gladys laughed again.
"I want you to go up to your apartment now and clean up. When you’re through, come back down and we’ll talk."
"It's you who makes my heart beat like that, Sophie. Just you. It was you I held in my arms and kissed, and it's you I want to get to know. It's you alone that I've thought about all day, and feared I would never see again because I acted too hastily. It's you, Sophia Velikonja, who makes my heart slam in my chest whenever you're in the room."
"I hope you fall so far in love that you never hurt over Mom again. And I hope that she loves you back until you're both old and gray."
"Sophie does not want other woman's embraces."
"I will have to sleep tonight, Lord, whether or not I know where she is. I need to trust You for this, but I want to see her so much."
"I've been meaning to ask you something, Sophie. You certainly have skills that go far beyond housekeeping. Do you feel like you're being wasted here, or that you would rather move on?"
"God is so wonderful to make these. I suppose frogs only like the taste, but for Sophie, they are so wonderful for eyes."
"Please don't let him pity me. Please don't let me make a fool of myself. I know he thinks I'm capable, but he may not want a younger woman. I must accept this."
"I think so, Rita. You see, I have not had experience."
"But I have found out that it's so fun to go slowly. At the beginning of each school year the freshmen girls come in, and a week later they're paired off and holding the hands of senior boys. I can't believe how much you miss when you do it that way."
"Don’t stop loving her, Craig. She needs our love and prayers. It’s hard to know what she’s thinking, but I know she is hurting. Only God can comfort her."
"Then we can't help you, Peg. You're the only one who can trust God for Vanessa and the kids. You're the only one who can surrender for yourself."
"I trust Him to take care of all my tomorrows."
"I don't play the instruments, but I make sure the music comes out in tune."
"Every day is something to be thankful and praise, but the children all want more."
"You're not children; you'll know how to handle it."
"It was a wonderful time. Did I say thank you?"
"I haven’t done this courtship thing in more years than I’d like to mention."
"When you’re young you don’t have to think about anyone but yourself and the woman you love. With kids in the picture, it’s a whole new ball game."
"We cannot be too settled on this earth, Alec, because our home is heaven."
"I miss you whenever our routine is not the same."
"In going slow we do not know what we are doing."
"Sin has a cure because of Christ's work on the cross."
"I'm sure you will be tempted to go to the phone, but I'm asking you to reconsider. I need some time."
"God placed Sophie in our lives for a purpose."