
Kiss Of Frost Quotes

Kiss Of Frost by Jennifer Estep

Kiss Of Frost Quotes
"I did not glow with the thrill of battle. Cringe, yes. Glow, no."
"You couldn’t kill a Reaper to save your bloody life."
"I’m fine," I snapped, hating the fact that they knew how much I cared about Logan.
"You brought unauthorized food into the library, Gwendolyn?"
"It’s not the end of the world. We’re all here learning how to fight Reapers."
"Good afternoon, everyone. Please open your books to page 251," Metis said. "Today we’re going to focus on some of the creatures that aided Loki during the Chaos War, and some species that the Reapers still use today."
"I’d rather learn to be a real warrior than be known as Gwen Frost, that freaky Gypsy girl."
"The truth was, I wanted to know who was trying to kill me, so I could take the Reaper down myself."
"You’re different, Gypsy girl. Special. You always have been, ever since that first day."
"I wasn’t going to use my magic to pull secrets out of people just because I had the power to do so."
"I wanted to pretend that we were a couple. That we really were out here in the dark—alone—together."
"I’d been a little distracted by almost getting killed twice yesterday."
"I’m not going to take him away from Savannah. I’m not Morgan McDougall. I don’t go around stealing other girls’ boyfriends."
"Kind of hard to date a guy when you couldn’t risk even touching him."
"You’re a total vindictive bitch when you’re angry."
"Sometimes, it really sucked having a best friend who could give the Hulk a run for his money."
"I’ll have to walk down the slopes. That’s what the other kids are doing."
"I guess you’ll have to walk down the slopes."
"There are some advantages to being the school slut."
"But I’d come this far, and I wasn’t about to back out now."
"Here goes nothing," I whispered to my reflection, and left the room.
"Guys," I muttered. "Why do they have to be so sloppy?"
"It looked the same as I remembered—just an ordinary red notebook with a couple of the metal rings bent out of shape."
"Oliver Hector had a secret, and this was my best chance of finding out what it was."
"I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. It didn’t matter to me who Oliver was crushing on."
"Whether he was a Reaper or not, Oliver wanted me dead."
"I knew what had happened from there. Oliver had almost run me down."
"It was like I was watching a scary movie from the killer’s point of view."
"Sometimes if a memory was vivid enough, if an emotion was strong enough, I didn’t have to touch an object or person to get a vibe off them."
"And you, Celt, Vic said, turning his attention to Carson. Gwen told me that you prefer to use a staff. A staff! It doesn’t even have a bloody point on the end of it. Disgraceful, the things they’re teaching you warrior kids at Mythos these days."
"Gwen told me what happened with Preston. He and the others were worried about you. They’re out looking for you, along with Daphne, Carson, and Oliver."
"You have served me well so far, Gwendolyn Frost, Nike said. You have used your wits and your magic wisely. I hope you continue to do so—for all our sakes."
"We’re going to kill Reapers until we’re both bathed in their blood and hungry for more."
"I’m going to go to Grandma Frost’s house and just chill out over the holidays. Eat junk food, watch television, read my new stash of comic books."
"There’s too much power attached to the dagger, and there are too many Reapers looking for it. One of them will eventually find the dagger and use it to free Loki."
"The funny thing was that I did understand. Grandma Frost and Professor Metis had just been trying to protect me."
"I leaned over and lightly punched him in the shoulder. But we both laughed, and I felt just a smidge better."
"It’s hard enough to lose someone you care about. Having your mom die in a car accident seemed like it would be kinder to you than the truth. Easier to bear."