
The Time Of Contempt Quotes

The Time Of Contempt by Andrzej Sapkowski

The Time Of Contempt Quotes
"A head of gold is essential, since the really important, secret tidings must be committed to memory by the messenger and only repeated to the intended recipient."
"The benefits of an arse of iron, every messenger will swiftly learn those for himself."
"He was a royal mounted messenger and that was that."
"A time of contempt is approaching, and you keep up with progress and the zeitgeist."
"But noble and naive disinterestedness, my anachronistic Witcher, strangely suits you."
"I flatter myself, believing that I generally understand everything."
"Let’s honour Rience’s imminent death with a minute’s silence."
"I have known people who said that, right away, from the very first encounter, they sensed the foretaste of death striding behind the girl."
"It’s not the brothers Michelet. It’s not even Rience. The Child of the Elder Blood, damn it."
"Geralt, does now your king, Demavend, sleep at night? Do I sleep? You deserve a punch in the face for the question alone, laddie."
"You’re behaving like an adolescent goat. You’re embarrassing me."
"I don’t want to go to school! You promised me you’d always be with me, and now you’re planning to leave me all by myself! I don’t want to be alone!"
"You won’t be alone. There are plenty of girls your age at the school. You’ll have lots of friends."
"Whatever I say will be the best for you. Always. Which is why you will obey me and carry out my instructions."
"You don’t go into a bank wearing riding gloves."
"The magic elixir was still working, so Yennefer’s appearance immediately caused a great commotion."
"Poll tax and winter billeting tax, both of which are levied directly by the military authorities, have been doubled."
"The prices of precious stones have risen sharply. Because there’s a demand for them."
"It’s hard to graze horses on stubble, and strongholds with full granaries can endure long sieges."
"I forbid it! You will not touch me again! You will never touch me!"
"You are ours. You are one of us! Your place is among us!"
"Poets know more about this sort of thing than the people involved do."
"For what he’d like to understand, but is afraid he won’t have time for… And for what he will never understand. He’s apologising and asking for forgiveness… Everything’s so bloody banal…"
"That’s the role of poetry, Ciri. To say what others cannot utter."
"We know little about love. Love is like a pear. A pear is sweet and has a distinct shape. Try to define the shape of a pear."
"One side will triumph, and the other will be pecked apart by ravens. I put it to you, comrade: join the side with the better chance."
"Games are either worth a candle or they aren’t."
"I mistook stars reflected in a pond at night for those in the sky."
Don’t open it," Ciri screamed. "Don’t open the door! Death stands behind it! Don’t open the door!
"The history of the world unfolded as it unfolded, the sole cause of which was that the Witcher had scruples."
"Death has no meaning, right? Particularly other people's?"
"I could smash your brain out through your ears, but this was supposed to be a lesson."
"When you were hunting the Scoia’tael you crossed the Ribbon. And you killed some dryads. And now the dryads are taking their revenge in the same way. It’s war."
"The hero rode fearlessly through the wilderness, heedless of the leaping lizards and flying dragons."
"A coward dies a hundred times. A brave man dies but once. But Dame Fortune favours the brave and holds cowards in contempt."
"Life is dear to me. I’m not going any further. I’d rather shove my head in a hornets' nest!"
"An arrow’s not so sure in the fog. If fate smiles on you, the dryads might miss."
"You mistook the stars reflected in a pond at night for the sky."
"Bushes didn’t have such large, shining eyes."
"‘Sh’aente vort,’ requested the dryad squatting behind him once again."
"‘Thank you. It’s awfully dark here… Geralt? Where are you?’"
"‘Dead merchants don’t make money or pay taxes.’"
"‘Listen carefully,’ he said brusquely to the reeves."
"‘The Nilfgaardians,’ began the bard after a moment’s silence, ‘attacked Lyria and Aedirn.’"
"‘We’re the rearguard now,’ said the mercenary drily."
"‘I’m not annoyed,’ said the Witcher, placing his hand on Dandelion’s shoulder."
"‘We’re crossing the border,’ announced Half-Gallon brusquely."
"‘It is high time he finally married somebody. For the sake of the dynasty…'"
"I will not cry! I am a witcher! I am… An enchantress."
"The Power is everywhere. It’s in the water, in the air, in the earth…"
"First the aching, first the paralysing pain in my shoulders and thighs. Then the cold. I have to raise my body temperature…"
"I’m an enchantress! Come, immortal light! I summon you! Aen’drean va, eveigh Aine!"
"I won’t fall asleep. I can’t fall asleep… I just cannot…"
"I’ve gone the wrong way, I’ve muddled everything…"
"There might be snow lying on those mountain peaks, there might be ice. There might be streams. I have to get there. I have to get there fast."
"Blood is a liquid, after all. It can be drunk."
"You are mighty! Those that harmed you did not know who they had challenged! Avenge yourself! Make them pay!"
"I don’t want that power! I don’t want it! I relinquish it!"
"I can’t help you, Little Horse. I don’t have anything… Except magic."
"Death to them all! Take your revenge on all of them."
"I was empty and indifferent. She reacted indifferently to water being splashed on her face."
"Fate has really punished us with that arsehole."
"The Lords Nissir are bound for Tyffi. They’ve caught one of those of Rats."
"You don’t have anything, you don’t have anyone, you don’t have any family."
"Everything was flowing away into the distance. Into the fog."
"They were children of the time of contempt. And they had nothing but contempt for others."
"In times of contempt anyone who is alone must perish."
"We aren’t afraid of traps. And there’s nothing we can’t bite through. We’re the Rats."
"The sky sparkled with stars. The Eye, for so many days her faithful guide in the rocky desert, shone brightly."
"She couldn’t fall asleep, although for the first time in many days she felt safe. She was no longer alone."
"A disgusting and humiliatingly pleasant submissiveness."
"War, misfortune and contempt had brought them together."
"They were united by their love of gaudy, colourful, fanciful outfits, of stolen trinkets, beautiful horses, and of swords."
"They attacked like rats. Quietly, treacherously, cruelly."
"They plundered and murdered, and their cruelty became legendary."
"Because the one who is alone will perish; from hunger, from the sword, from the arrow, from makeshift peasant clubs, from the noose, or in flames."