
Inside Out Quotes

Inside Out by Demi Moore

Inside Out Quotes
"There’s no point in crying; there’s nothing you can do now. It’s not going to change anything."
"I wanted to be present, not dulled by alcohol or sped up by cocaine."
"You can’t say, 'I can’t start right now because I need such and such' because anything you could think of had already been provided."
"I didn’t want to be the guy who walked out on his family, who did that to his kid."
"Once you’ve been in some big movies, you don’t usually get asked to audition."
"If I was somehow conveying a persona that was totally at odds with how I saw myself and who I wanted to be, then something needed to change."
"No longer would I hold a futile expectation of her being a mother; no longer would I feel that I bore the responsibility of being her mother."
"I nursed Scout as I did Rumer, but where Rumer began to plump up right away, Scout stayed tiny."
"I didn’t want to feel self-conscious in all the love scenes coming up, so I’d been working hard on my body."
"That’s like saying to a heroin addict, ‘Go do drugs.’"
"If you’ve got the skill, why shouldn’t it be an option?"
"I didn’t go to a therapist after Bruce and I split. I bought toys."
"I didn’t want to be a burden on anyone, what I was really doing was avoiding exposing any vulnerability."
"My usual reaction would have been to start starving myself again, to begin an exercise regime designed to reduce the bulk, but I did neither."
"I was only in the bathroom for three or four minutes, but when I opened the door, I felt very calm about entering whatever the next phase of my life would be."
"I felt completely safe with Ashton, which made it possible to connect sexually in a way I’d never experienced before."
"I was terrified that I wouldn’t be able to do it again."
"I was wracked with guilt and convinced what had happened was my doing."
"I walked around Ashton seven times to symbolize the circle of love, and he smashed a glass with his foot—a reminder of the fragility of relationships."
"We loved playing games, and one of our favorites was Mexican train dominoes—we played by the Salma Hayek rules."
"Every year, we all went to Parrot Cay the day after Christmas. It was a ritual I started with Bruce."
"When you drink you become more direct and uninhibited—or at least I do—and to them, I sounded harsher."
"The daily shots and constant trips to the doctor's office that in vitro fertilization requires can make even a young woman feel desperate and out of control."
"On paper there was no reason why I shouldn't have been getting pregnant. I was making plenty of eggs."
"But every time I got my period, proof that another cycle had failed, I felt myself reliving Chaplin’s death, and I went into a terribly dark place."
"He wasn’t honest. That’s on him. But I had made him the focus of all my attention and was putting too much pressure on him. I was losing myself."
"Ashton was less and less present. He was focused on other things: his work; his growing involvement in the tech world."
"Having other people in our marriage presented a totally false sense of power, and an absolutely temporary sense of excitement."
"It takes a toll on a woman when you spend years of your life in that state."
"I stopped after I scared myself one weekend when the whole family was together and I lost track of how many pills I’d taken."
"I felt villainized by my family. I was angry that my girls weren’t showing me any compassion."
"I got here because I had a grandmother who put up with a womanizing husband who was charming and good-looking and charismatic."
"I got here because I never dealt with all the rejection and scorn that came my way throughout my career."
"I’ve outlived both of my parents. I know that what I walked through was a lot. Especially coming from where I came from."
"I am in my mid-fifties now. I’ve outlived both of my parents. The truth is, the only way out is in."
"I belong. Here, in myself, in this house, on this planet."