
Midnight Exposure Quotes

Midnight Exposure by Melinda Leigh

Midnight Exposure Quotes
"She just missed the turnoff for town, Scott."
"She’s not in there, Reed. Doesn’t look like she’s been back at all."
"His cop instincts emerged, telling him something was very wrong with the situation. Jayne was in danger."
"Scott and I will walk from here to the bookstore. See if we can find any sign of her."
"Reed jumped down from the cab, Maglite in hand, dread roiling in his gut."
"Everything that had been whirling inside him collided in a dizzying sense of déjá vu."
"Reed’s gaze swept over the quiet street. He’d come to this town to escape violence."
"Under the quaint small-town facade lurked something evil."
"The only thing that could free him was a return to the old ways."
"A shiver passed over him, but this third-story room wasn’t as cold as the basement prison he’d occupied."
"Imminent death brought forth the animal in him."
"Helplessness drained his soul like a parasite."
"A steady dose of some sort of tranquilizer made days difficult to track."
"Jayne tried to raise a hand to her head. A tug on her other wrist and a metallic jingle made her eyelids snap open."
"Her body protested the stillness, pleading with her to move. She fought her flight instinct."
"Reed’s heart lurched. She trusted him to keep her safe."
"Reed’s gut said Jayne wasn’t in it, unless someone had hidden her somewhere."
"Her chances of surviving this situation were minuscule."
"She’d take her chances out there over what was in store for her in this basement."
"Her body curled into itself, wrapped in the fear of an unknown fate."
"Her long odds were in the eyes of every volunteer."
"Reed’s brain flipped through the available scenarios. The college kids got lost."
"The thought of Jayne mixed up with something like that made his stomach roil."
"He’d contemplated backing out of his promise to Hugh just a few hours ago."
"Jayne had stirred up his carefully orchestrated life, a life in which he didn’t dare allow anyone to get close."
"She deserved better, someone without all his baggage."
"He stepped into the mudroom and shook the flakes from his parka before hanging it to dry."
"Father-son bonding experiences were few and far between these days. Next year, Scott would be leaving for college."
"A routine kept life from disintegrating into chaos and kept Reed sane."
"Caring about people twisted him up inside, like now, when he watched a beautiful woman bravely struggling to be normal after a terrible trauma."
"Her eyes squeezed shut as the images raced through her head and collided with one another."
"You shouldn’t give up your dreams for another person."
"Nathan could hardly blame him. Once his uncle had been a professor. To watch the former scholar in him slide into madness broke Nathan’s heart."
"Maybe they could have an almost normal, quiet evening."
"The possibility of companionship pulled at her."
"Emotions still chugged through him, like water flowing under a frozen river."
"She’d finally warmed up to a man and look how that had turned out."
"She wasn’t sure whom she was angry with—Reed, Doug, or Ty Jennings. All three deserved a portion."
"No more bickering 24/7. She died because I was selfish. I just wanted some peace and quiet."
"I know what happened in Atlanta. It doesn't matter."
"I’m not letting you go until I know you’re safe. Really, Jayne, even if you leave, I have to find out who he is."
"He silenced her with a finger on her lips. 'Please don’t go off on your own again. I couldn’t take it if something happened to you.'"
"One thing, though. He's a better woodsman than me, not that that’s any great feat."
"The landscape passed by in a white blur. Where was she going? She needed a plan."
"He was sitting in front of his house. Numb, he climbed from the vehicle."
"Contact with her palm felt solid and right, as if she was what he’d been missing all his life."
"The pain in her gaze nearly shattered his resolve."
"Every once in a while, an ancient body turns up in a peat bog in England or Ireland."
"Apparently, the Celts thought they’d get the favor of three gods if they killed him three times."
"The bad feeling stuck with him, and it wasn’t just all this strange Celtic stuff."
"Something was missing. Something vital. Something that meant the difference between life and death."
"How could she have changed so much in only a few days?"
"The tremors that rushed upward from the soles of his feet had nothing to do with the winter night."
"His heart did a double take. Two more poor souls were going down with him."