
Arrows Of The Queen Quotes

Arrows Of The Queen by Mercedes Lackey

Arrows Of The Queen Quotes
"A female’s place was not to be learned; a girl reading—even if she was doing a womanly task at the same time—was as out of place as a scarlet jay among crows."
"How could the tiny outpost of the Border Guard... ever hope to make a stand against these warriors who were also magicians?"
"Between us, my Companion and I are a match for any thousand of their witch-masters."
"I want to be a Herald," she heard herself say.
"Those beatings had done precious little good, and had drawn the feeble protests of her Husband’s Mother."
"Returning to the ordinary world of chores and Keldar’s sour face was a distinct letdown."
"She was like a wild thing sometimes, intractable, and untamable."
"You’re not ready for it, of course, but no girl is."
"I’ve read all about the Heirs. The Heir is always polite and gracious, and treats the lowest scullery maid like she was the Queen’s own self."
"I never could have guessed what I was asking. Please—please forgive me—I didn’t mean any disrespect."
"It’s a sad fact that the better a Herald you are, the more likely it is that the Queen will set you risky tasks."
"They do whatever needs doing so that the Queen knows what she needs to know to guard us all."
"She’s the Queen, and it has to be marriage or nothing."
"Being a Herald can also be a fatal occupation."
"I’ll admit I was hoping for someone a little older, but—well, the Companions don’t make mistakes."
"The Queen is only the Queen in the Throne Room."
"Heralds report on what they see on their circuits to the Queen and the Council."
"Heralds can’t be bribed, she can always trust what they say."
"It’s the tradition of the three Collegia that everyone share the work."
"No matter what the rest said, and sometimes other things—spies, scouts, sometimes thieves—they do whatever needs doing so that the Queen knows what she needs to know to guard us all."
"Being with the Companion erased all her doubts and stilled all her fears."
"Once they’d started, they wouldn’t leave her alone until they’d become bored with the game."
"One simply didn’t ruthlessly strip away the inner thoughts of anyone, no matter how well-meaning one’s intentions were."
"She had barely enough energy to take the prescribed bath."
"You have only to ask, youngling, if you knew how long my hours are, you would never have made that statement."
"Talia, I wish there was something I could do to help."
"How old had she been when Justus had burned that into her hand with a red-hot poker?"
"She didn’t dare. When kith and kin could deny her so completely, what might not strangers do?"
"They worked over the obstacle course until they were both tired."
"She was proud that her voice trembled only a little, and that she was able to meet his eyes squarely."
"I fear so, youngling," Jadus sighed, seeing the determination in her eyes. "I fear so."
"You haven’t any friends now, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make friends," Talia told her.
"If you want to change, you have to start by thinking about everything you say or do before you say or do it."
"You’ll have to trust me to take care of the rest."
"You obviously didn’t care about them, so you won’t get any more," Talia told her.
"You’re only human, little one—and your kin don’t deserve any kindness from you after the way they’ve disowned you."
"Just like sparring practice will make you a better fighter, practicing with your Gifts will develop them to their full extent."
"Gifts that are needed tend to appear just before they’re needed."
"Insatiable curiosity," Talia confessed. "I—kind of wonder how their Gifts are related to my own."
"You’ve got enough thought-sensing and Sight to possibly be useful in an emergency—maybe just a hint of Healing as well."
"Dirk’s class is something else altogether—that’s something to see!"
"Rolan’s company was much sought after of a night."
"She was at a loss as to how to gain entrance there until impulse caused her to seek out the one teacher she knew among the Healers."
"Lavan Firestorm— I remember now; he almost single-handedly drove back the Dark Servants at the Battle of White Foal Pass."
"The enforced sharing of Rolan’s amorous encounters vastly increased her education in certain areas."