
The Daughter Of Doctor Moreau Quotes

The Daughter Of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

The Daughter Of Doctor Moreau Quotes
"The jungle teemed with noises, birds crying out in sonorous discontent as if they could foretell the approach of intruders."
"All of them, they complain it’s too close to rebel territory. They think it’s the end of the world."
"Sometimes they don’t always live. It’s part of what I’m trying to perfect."
"As you yourself pointed out, there is always a risk when it comes to wild animals."
"Certain things you must experience in person."
"Not everyone can see the world solely through books like you do. Others seek more excitement."
"Yaxaktun is perfect. It is better than any other place in the world."
"One insult a day is quite enough for me, Miss Moreau. Two is more than I will bear on an empty stomach."
"Work in the laboratory is not the same as being around people."
"If this is Eve at the moment of her fall, then why isn’t the snake on the ground?"
"Original sin must be erased, but this task could not be accomplished without suffering."
"You could say they disowned my studies, my work."
"It’s not proper. There’s no arrangement between you and those men, no mujul."
"I suppose I’m no boy, but I might as well trim the damn thing before tomorrow."
"Her father’s sermons often discussed the pain of the Christ, exhorting the hybrids to understand that God gifted the world with pain so that everything might be made perfect."
"Marriage would do you good, and it would give us options."
"I can see you are indeed shy. Do not worry, Miss Moreau and I will let you be."
"Everyone is damned, and if they ban the trade of Indians, they’ll find a way to circumvent it."
"And you, Carlota…well, I know you. You share my same malady."
"You speak like a character out of a book," she said in wonder, thrilled by the fierceness of his words and the dread of refusal lurking in his eyes.
"You need to take a deep breath," he said, his voice low. "Can you take a deep breath for me?"
"You’ll have me for as long as you require my assistance."
"I thought you liked books. Volumes with romance and adventure."
"I am grateful for the medical treatment I have received, but the price of it is high."
"My experiments will allow for enormous scientific leaps. And remember, without my knowledge you would not be here Carlota."
"How dare you," her father said, his gaze leaden.
"You are a great fool. Fine! Stay behind. I’m leaving," Lupe said, and she turned around and walked back toward the huts of the hybrids.
"I have a letter that must be delivered to Mr. Hernando Lizalde. You are to send a man immediately," Montgomery said.
"I knew I loved you the moment I met you and perhaps before that. Love me back," he pleaded.
"You used to want to. And it’s really stupid, Montgomery, to simply send us off like this."
"Don’t lose it in a card game. If you do, steal it back. I know I have from time to time."
"It’s not always easy to say goodbye. I’m no good at it."
"I’d be angrier at your blasphemy, but I’m too tired."
"You are my sister. It doesn’t matter how we came to be."
"I thought Yaxaktun a paradise, but it is not so. He shaped pain into flesh."
"For once in my life that familiar mechanism failed him. He was left alone, with nothing to anchor him."
"I can still shoot even if I’ve slept only a couple of hours."
"I don’t think there’s much time left. The Lizaldes said they’d return."
"I might agree to it, but only if you let the others be."
"I won’t shoot first," he muttered. "But I’ll still need my rifle."
"Every breath he took hurt and his head was throbbing. But he couldn’t remain there."
"She slammed her hands against the door to no avail."
"Carlota wasn’t sure Montgomery would be able to get her father anywhere."
"The fever she was running now seemed to reach the point of boiling."
"Carlota clutched her hands and pressed her knuckles against her lips, praying."
"Her body had caught on fire; her heart was a blazing coal."
"The gun went flying through the air, landing with a splash in the fountain."
"Her father, her father. She wished she might run to his room and embrace him."