
What You Did Quotes

What You Did by Claire McGowan

What You Did Quotes
"These days, now that everything is over, I often find myself thinking of the moment it all changed."
"I wasn’t ready. I stood frozen in horror, wishing we could scroll back time and keep that moment right before this, clean and unshattered."
"It was something I didn’t know about myself, this capacity to stop up my ears, close my eyes."
"‘Do I have to, Mum?’ ‘Of course you do. What else would you do?’"
"No one ever tells you that this is the downside of giving your kids everything you never had – they turn into spoiled little brats."
"‘You’re a good boy.’ ‘Urgh, Mum.’ But he hugged back."
"It’s beautiful here, guys. You’re so lucky."
"‘Oh, you know,’ he said. ‘Busy with exams. I’m going home to study now, in fact.’"
"‘She’s done really well,’ said Karen gently. ‘Don’t be a dick about it, Mikey. Leave that devil’s advocate shtick to Callum.’"
"‘But I wouldn’t put on lipstick for it, even though I like, begged her to,’ said Cassie, earning a small laugh."
"‘What’s it worth – half a mill?’ ‘Place up the lane went for 800k last year,’ said Mike."
"‘You wouldn’t like to stay for dinner?’ My offer was lukewarm and we both knew it."
"‘I need to check he does his teeth.’ Really, I wanted to make a start on clearing up."
"I’m so tired at the minute I drop right off. Finally I get what you and Karen were always on about!"
"‘We should get them together more often.’ But it was such a trek to Birmingham."
"Hindsight is deadly. If I’d known then what was already happening, what would so soon engulf us, I might have taken a few more moments to stand there in the sun, and drink in all the things I was about to lose."
"It’s not work as such. You know I’m on the board of that charity."
"‘Smells good!’ He seemed cheerful: a relief."
"You’re so tense I could bounce ten pees off your back. Relax, will you."
"Please, babe. It’s too hot for feminism right now."
"You’ve done brilliantly. Should get you in to give a talk to the office. We’re swamped in sexual harassment cases, it’s awful really."
"‘Bit more hair back then, Cal,’ observed Karen, a tad bitchily."
"‘You want to watch it, Mikey, or she’ll be doing a Lorena Bobbit on you,’ said Callum."
"‘It’ll clash with your dress.’ ‘I know. Lend me your shirt?’"
"I can’t sleep or eat or even lie down and I don’t know if I ever will again."
"I’m sorry that you’re hurt, truly I am, and I wish I could help, but how can I?"
"She’s stating that Jake is your husband’s son. That Mike is his father."
"Obviously it’s a nasty shock, darling, but I don’t think Daddy knew that Jake..."
"You just had to pick someone, and save them, and let the rest drown."
"The things we don’t know about our friends. The things we don’t ask."
"I wondered if I’d ever feel happy again. Peaceful, and well, and hopeful."
"I thought about the man a lot. He was German, that was all they knew."
"You aren’t allowed to say it but your wedding is perilously close to a licence to let out the selfish little diva inside all of us."
"We are too trusting. We think everything is locked up and safe and we take it for granted, until something goes wrong."
"And who could blame him if he needed something, when he was going home to Jodi, standing at the top of the stairs with her dressing gown done up all the way to the neck?"
"Feeling bad. Jodi up the duff . .. not a real man. Not mine."