
Red: The Heroic Rescue Quotes

Red: The Heroic Rescue by Ted Dekker

Red: The Heroic Rescue Quotes
"We've stepped off the cliff and are falling into madness."
"Every minute of sleep—for that matter every second—could be the equivalent of hours or days or even weeks in his dream world."
"The sky was turning red, blood red, as it always did over the desert in the afternoons."
"Thomas flew over the hill's crest, leaned back, and pulled the stallion to a stamping halt."
"What they saw could not easily be put into words."
"The archers were still sending arrows down onto the trapped army."
"We'd have to bring the whole cliff down on them."
"They wore beige hooded tunics to cover their gray scabbed flesh."
"This even though he was forty and many of them in their twenties."
"Thomas could recall bits and pieces of the histories."
"Elyon's faithful bathed each day to keep the painful skin disease from overtaking their bodies."
"Discouraging the Horde from bathing was not difficult."
"The intense pain of moisture on their diseased flesh was enough to fill the Scabs with a deep revulsion for the lakes."
"The Forest People danced and sang in celebration of the Great Romance."
"The Forest Guard knew it well and could play with a dozen Scabs under the right circumstances."
"The regular fighting force wasn't far behind."
"The walking dead. Better buried at the base of a cliff than allowed to roam like an unchecked plague."
"He led her up a small hill and then doubled back along the path toward an overlook near the top."
"If we could clap our hands and make these cliffs crush—"
"If you lay down your weapons and retreat, we will spare your army."
"With a mighty whump, the bomb exploded, flinging bodies into the air."
"Now you will see another demonstration. But this is your last."
"If you do not withdraw, every last one of you will die today."
"Comfort your children, Maker of men! Take your daughters into your bosom and wipe away their tears."
"If I could rid you of this Horde army on my own, ride with me in a victory march through the Elyon Valley to the east of the village."
"If I were a king, I would wish that you were my daughter. A princess."
"You are the greatest warrior in all the land."
"Please, Thomas. For all you know the Horde cut you and you just don't remember."
"We lead this country, we die with this country if it comes down to that."
"The only cure fit for the Horde is the one Elyon has given us. Our swords."
"I tell you on this day, that the greatest warriors among you are the children."
"It is with ones like these that you will wage a new kind of war."
"The man we see seated before us today is a mighty warrior who has favored the forests with many victories in his time."
"Nevertheless, it is said that this man has also spread the poison of blasphemy against Elyon throughout the Southern Forest in these past two years."
"Our task today is only to determine if this is true."
"You do realize that to conspire with the Horde has always been treasonous to us?"
"We don't compromise with the enemy of Elyon, according to the word of Elyon himself."
"To make peace with the Horde may defile your Great Romance, but it does not blaspheme Elyon."
"Elyon would make peace with every man, woman, and child on this world, even though his enemies are found everywhere, even here in this very place."
"Do you love your lake and your trees and your flowers, or do you love Elyon?"
"Would you die for these, or would you die for Elyon?"
"You are no different than the Horde. If you would die for Elyon, perhaps you should die for the Horde. They are his, after all."
"You think he won't bleed the way my men have bled? I say we send him back to his Horde in pieces."
"You can't just not tell people that they're going to die."
"You think it'll help us deal with the problem? You think it'll bring us one minute closer to an antivirus or a vaccine? Not a chance."