
The Blue Sword Quotes

The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley

The Blue Sword Quotes
"Since her days were empty of purpose, she could not sleep when night came."
"She might have screamed, and hammered on the walls with her fists."
"She knew what the thoughts behind the looks the servants gave her were."
"She did try. She knew what the thoughts behind the looks the servants gave her were."
"You'll like being dependent on your brother even less, I fancy, than you like being dependent on me."
"She had let her own mind go numb, and had not thought about the past or the future."
"I'm an encumbrance now, and he has his career to think of."
"But I'm not at all sure she even recognizes me from one day to the next, so it hardly counts."
"She wondered sometimes if her brother felt that impatience of spirit too."
"She set down her empty orange-juice glass, and sighed."
"She wanted to cross the desert and climb into the mountains in the east."
"And there is little market for penniless bluebloods."
"She learned the housekeeping necessary in an old ramshackle country house well enough."
"She knew a broad-leafed ilpin tree from the blue evergreen torthuk."
"She wondered if Istan would be the place where she would finally fit in."
"Her gratitude was not at all dimmed by the suspicion that he was nursing a secret passion for Cassie."
"She realized also that she liked being useful."
"You must understand, my dear, that if there is any real danger, you and I will be sent away in time."
"You mustn't distress yourself. Sir Charles and Colonel Dedham will take care of us."
"Good morning, my dear. I see a gleam in your eye; what bit of arcane Damarian lore do you wish to wrest from me today?"
"It was a particularly dangerous and unsettled time, and so the ritual swearing to one's leader meant rather a lot."
"I hoped to indicate that not all Homelanders are unsympathetic to the Free Hillfolk, whatever the official attitude is."
"The girl will be a prisoner of honor, treated with all honor, by me as well as by you."
"I would go with you, Sola. My horse is fast."
"Do you think I might sit facing forward, perhaps?"
"Be patient." - Jack to Sungold, as they set off to find Harimad-sol.
"We'll bring her back," Jack reassured the anxious horse, demonstrating hope and determination.
"It is right, though; or at least this is the right direction." - Jack, showing perseverance despite doubts.
"I feel like a potato that's recently been mashed," - Harry, expressing her exhaustion humorously.
"The Outlanders are now lying under a very large pile of rock," - Jack, summarizing their victory with a touch of humor.
"That's blasphemous, you know. I'll have you court-martialed." - Harry, jesting with Jack about his salute.
"But of the other three there was a brief but obvious moment when no one moved," - the tension before Harry takes Gonturan.
"Today is Harimad-sol's," - Terim, affirming Harry's heroism and leadership.
"Ignorance is bliss," - Jack, on the decision to follow Harry despite potential consequences.
"I will have them, and be honored," - Corlath, accepting Harry's companions as part of their community.
"We Outlanders must stick together," - Harry, acknowledging Jack's loyalty and their shared background.
"Your Jack shall have a hundred of our horses, and welcome," - Corlath, showing generosity and acceptance.
"We who love the Hills must stick together." - Jack, expressing his deep connection to the land and its people.
"My king, I would far rather you kept my sash as you have kept it for me in faith," - Harry, pledging her loyalty and love to Corlath.
"I am inclined to forget that there is still some Outlander blood in your veins," - Corlath, recognizing Harry's unique qualities.