
A Wizard Abroad Quotes

A Wizard Abroad by Diane Duane

A Wizard Abroad Quotes
"It isn't easy to argue with a tree. It isn't easy to get one to stop strangling another one with its roots."
"Her mother was at her most dangerous when she was thinking, and it rarely meant anything but trouble."
"We haven't had much rain, either. It's been a dry summer, and they're talking about it turning into a drought."
"Everything has names. Every acre of this place has names."
"Don't interrupt. How do you expect to become wise?"
"All but one of the TV stations shut down around midnight."
"There's a long history of that. Well, if you get hungry or something later, just come on in and take what you need."
"You want more, though, you won't have far to go. This country is thick with them. Old memories."
"It's going to get really crowded in here shortly."
"She's been inviting us over there for a while now."
"No, we didn't tell her that you're a wizard!"
"I think we'll do this the old-fashioned way."
"Play with, Nita thought, and groaned inwardly."
"A wizard doesn't stop doing wizardry just because they're not at home."
"The wind blows, and things get blown along with it."
"Every acre of this place has names. Almost every field, and every valley and hill."
"You can't even tell me right away? Poor sort of ban-draioa you'd make over here."
"It's all invasions, from the land's point of view."
"I bet this is why Ireland has so much trouble, one way and another."
"It's as I told you. Something must change. Get about it, before it gets about us."
"This calm-looking landscape with its little terraced houses... could shift in a moment."
"No, there was nowhere she could go to get away from things."
"They were going to have to get used to her for the little while she was going to be here."
"Somebody has to be," Nita said. "You want to sit down?"
"You staying in town?" "No, I'm out in Kilquade."
"You here looking for your roots?" "Still attached to them, as far as I can tell."
"You got somebody to go with?" "Uh, no," Nita said, thinking regretfully of Kit.
"Let's just say that in my part of the world we make up our minds about this kind of thing early."
"I know!" said Majella. "Her parents sent her away to separate them because they were - ahem!"
"Don't get lost looking for leprechauns, now, Miss Yank," he shouted to her over his shoulder.
"Dai," she said to it. It blinked at her and kept chewing.
"That simple," she said to herself. "That easy… For wizards, at least."
"I don't know how much more of this I can take." "You can take it," he said.
"The way they eat!" "Yeah. You need anything else, Aunt Annie?"
"I'm going to have a little walk first." "OK. Just watch out for those holes in the pasture."
"I can't believe this," he said, and the bus doors shut in front of him.
"Are you on active status?" "Yes'm. At least the manual says so."
"It's the people here: they make the difference."
"It's not the truck," Kit said. "Not the truck itself. It's the thing in the back. That box. What is that?"
"Are you going to tell your aunt about this?" "I don't know," Nita said. "I think… I think I want to talk to Biddy first."
"Don't be late tomorrow," Nita said quietly. He nodded, and grinned, and the air slammed into the space where he had been.
"Power will not live long in the unwilling heart."
"Bravery is valuable, but irresponsibility will doom us."
"We speak so lightly of 're-ensouling' these things."
"It's a good question which is going to be the tool and which the user."
"There's a soul in this, and an intelligence and a will."
"Don't get carried away in the excitement of things; remember your Oaths."
"Wizardry works better here, but it takes more out of us."
"What happens if you die when you're not in the real world?"
"If we're all killed or driven off by his creatures before we get to him... then all of this will have been for nothing."
"The wind rose to a scream, then; and there were more sounds in it than screams."
"In our time the People of the Hills leave their anger at home when they ride - their day is done, and their angers are a matter of the songs their bards sing."
"But that afternoon was broken, now, and the legendary past had come haunting them."
"The Sidhe rode in anger now, as the People of the Air, in the whirlwind, with a clashing of spears that shone with the pale fire."
"Their horses burnt bright and dark as stormclouds with the sun behind them as they came galloping down the air."
"We were called by our own element," the Queen said, "Besides, it has been too long since I went foraying."
"All magics are diminishing in the face of our enemy's draoiceacht, and I feel the weariness in my bones."
"If an ending is indeed what we are coming to."
"What I really need right now in terms of energy is a chocolate bar," she said, "but the only thing I've got left in my pack is a cat."
"This path comes out in that flat ground by the main road, doesn't it?"
"Then all hail the ragged lord of the Fomor, a power downthrown, a poor weak spectre."
"Is it truly what we see, the mighty conqueror, with his armies ranged and his ships all ready? Or something much less, just a misconception, a fakery made of lying and shadows?"
"Let the hosts and the royal heights of Ireland hear it," the Morrigan cried, "victory over the Fomori, and they never again to be in this land!"
"We've got a dawn of our own waiting for us," he said. "Do the honors?"
"Peace up to the skies, the skies down to the earth, the earth under the skies; power to every one."
"Little by little, we make the Oath come true."