
Dead Silence Quotes

Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes

Dead Silence Quotes
"Amazing. We’ve been living on other planets and moons for a hundred years and still, a tiny piece of metal with misaligned grooves can fuck everything up."
"But no need for commweb maintenance teams means no need for commweb maintenance team leads. No need for me."
"Away from everyone. That is the beauty of space. There’s nothing out here."
"The Verux Peace and Rehabilitation Tower is a dumping ground for all the broken and damaged."
"The beauty of a life in space is not just the stars and the quiet, it's the freedom from the world's noise."
"In space, the line between life and death is as thin as a hull breach."
"Sometimes the only way to survive is to keep moving, even when you're not sure where you're going."
"In the vast emptiness of space, the concept of home becomes a beacon, a reminder of what we're fighting to return to."
"There’s a difference between being alone and being lonely; space teaches you that."
"The stars are not just points of light; they are destinations, possibilities, a future waiting to be explored."
"Sometimes my Ferris Outpost education trips me up."
"Companies. Equipment. Lives. Families. Anything and everything to appease their board and shareholders."
"The miracle was that I survived that long at all."
"The sensation of being silently watched—observed—from corners and shadows raises goose bumps on my skin even under my suit."
"You are either the bravest woman I have ever met or the craziest."
"Silence has a different quality to it when you’re the only one left alive."
"I want a future that doesn’t exist for me right now. One I choose, out here."
"It’s in your mind, Claire. Stress and bad memories. That’s all. Get over it."
"Space travel is boring. As a commweb maintenance team, we’re used to it. A boring day is a good day. Boring is what we strive for. When things are exciting, someone is usually about to die in some new and horrible way."
"Reality feels as tethered to me as always. And I’m not alone. I have people depending on me. I can’t afford to lose my mind."
"Dignity may be cold comfort in this situation, but I’m going to hold on to whatever I can salvage."
"Making decisions for people who are depending on me to get it right."
"Feeling stupid, I bend over the edge of the bed slowly, compelled to tip my head down to check the gap between the floor and the bed."
"It’s like my teeth are vibrating in my head."
"It’s easier to put it off for a little while longer."
"I want to lean into his warm touch, but he spots the lump almost instantly, reaching to probe it with gentle fingertips."
"I’m sorry. I didn’t have a choice. You know that. Don’t you? I didn’t know the engines were overheating."
"You can’t shoot at whatever it is. It’s not some minor warlord in a country that Verux is tired of doing business with."
"It doesn’t work like that. This is a bad idea."
"Let us worry about that. You just focus on you."
"You think they didn’t tell us about you? You shut the hell up about McCaughey. You aren’t getting into our heads that easily."
"You won’t know what’s real, who you’re firing on. You’re going to see things—"
"If I’d had the courage to do it on my last space walk, then none of this would have even happened."
"Surviving is nothing to be ashamed of, Claire."
"It’s dangerous. You won’t know what’s real, who you’re firing on. You’re going to see things—"
"I'm not sure what your father would say, though."
"It's as if my interest in these potential memories has caused them to skitter away into hiding."
"Isn’t it a little late to be worrying about getting your story straight?"