
Independent Study Quotes

Independent Study by Joelle Charbonneau

Independent Study Quotes
"I liked proving that I had learned. That I had worked hard. That I was smart."
"Thinking something is true doesn’t make it so. Perception is almost as important as reality."
"The best leaders are the ones who have no interest in leading."
"No matter their flaws, I don’t want to believe any are capable of the whispered, sometimes hard to make out words inside the recorder."
"The balanced scales represent all Government Studies students."
"Sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else."
"The only way the head of Testing can ensure the end of The Testing through violent means is if Dr. Barnes and all his top administrators die."
"The founders wanted to ensure that no one, not even the president, could manipulate the process."
"The last thing we want to do is start a civil war."
"The wood is scarred but smooth. My fingers run over the lock."
"Taking a deep breath, I search the other side of the door with my hands and smile into the darkness."
"Careful to avoid getting another bruise, I inch my way to the bedroom and picture the layout of the space."
"The hallway lights are off, probably to ensure we couldn’t use the sliver of light they’d provide under the door to aid us in our task."
"I take a minute to run my fingers through my hair and smooth down my shirt before straightening my shoulders and walking to the dining room."
"Trustworthy. Since both he and Griffin finished this test before me, I plan on keeping a close eye on both of them."
"I scan of the room tells me that all unsuccessful Tosu City first years are still working to regain their composure."
"Our Testing memories might have been erased, but we are still the same people who used our skills, intelligence, and wits to survive."
"In addition to your classroom studies, you’ll also be assigned an internship that will, alongside your book learning, teach you how best to achieve success in your future career."
"The most effective leaders utilize experts from all fields, but rely on none when it comes to making a decision."
"I hope you enjoy your new residence and class schedule, Ms. Vale."
"The smell of the wet earth and trees helps me imagine that I am home in Five Lakes."
"The desire to be with my family, to return to a time before I was selected for The Testing and still believed that our leaders were kind and fair, is overwhelming."
"Of all the trees, they were the most resilient after the Seven Stages of War."
"It takes a lot of courage to choose to do nothing when you aren’t certain of the outcome."
"Leaders are required to find solutions no matter what."
"Every year the Induction is different to ensure students don’t have advance knowledge of how best to approach the problems that are given."
"How can I face my fellow students each day wondering what horrors they are capable of?"
"The darkness of the void beckons, and for the briefest moment, I consider answering its call."
"Hope in his lab flourishes in the blighted soil."
"Those who study here will make this world better."
"The vision it takes for scientists to create hope."
"Cool heads and calm logic must always prevail."
"Leaders can never let their emotions get the better of them."
"The strength it requires to turn from the easy path and face the hard."
"I understand better now the despair that can lead to that choice."
"The pull of new ideas and learning is strong."
"The best idea I have is to enclose the transmitter with a thin layer of metal to block the signal."
"Dreams of Tomas stabbing Zandri chase me from darkness until dawn."
"A compelling reason, but I doubt it is more than a shadow of the real one."
"Symon believes the only way the Debate Chamber will vote against Dr. Barnes is if proof of the true nature of The Testing is revealed in open session."
"Unless something changes, she doesn’t have enough votes from the department heads for the measure to pass."