
Mini Shopaholic Quotes

Mini Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

Mini Shopaholic Quotes
"I'm in charge. I, Rebecca Brandon (née Bloomwood), am the adult."
"The lesson we’ve learned today is: never give up on something you really want."
"Sometimes, when we see an amazing, one-off bargain, we can make an exception to the saving-up rule. It's called 'Seizing the Opportunity'."
"We’re loyal customers and your sleigh was obviously very poorly made."
"The whole house smells of roasting turkey, carols are playing over the sound-system and Dad’s cracking nuts by the fire."
"You can’t expect a toddler to behave perfectly when it’s all so exciting and there are sweets and decorations everywhere."
"Like a fireball, Minnie rockets into the hall from the kitchen, dressed in her scarlet Christmas dress, the sparkly red pompom hat and a pair of pink fairy wings which she’s refused to take off since finding them in her stocking."
"It just goes to show how devoted Tarquin is to Suze. He dived in front of her without a moment’s hesitation. It’s quite romantic, actually."
"Sometimes I wonder how someone so unobservant can be so successful in life."
"Christmas presents and the sales are totally different. They’re like … different food groups."
"I wonder if Luke would take a hit of tomato ketchup for me."
"This is what I’m wearing at the christening."
"And anyway, don’t worry, I’m going to buy a sofa too."
"Maybe their houses would look better if they did!"
"‘No!’ says Suze at once. ‘Of course Minnie’s not spoiled! She’s lovely. She’s just a bit … feisty. But that’s good! No children are perfect.’"
"I don’t want to trap him. I want him to want another baby."
"‘I’m going to call it the library,’ I explain."
"I bet they have Empty Nest Workshops or something."
"I’d like to see you try. By the time you get your phone out—"
"‘Quicker than a text?’ Mum’s already whipped her phone out."
"No wedding dress. No flowers. No photo album. No champagne. The only single thing she got out of her wedding was a husband."
"‘Wine-tastings?’ Suze pulls a face. ‘Oh, have a gym. We could do Pilates together!’"
"They’re both pale cream. They both have one large button. They’re both cardigans. Identical."
"‘It’s Japanese-Russian fusion, actually,’ I correct him firmly."
"Why don’t I do it more often? By that evening, I’ve got it all sorted."
"We need to pool our resources. Think what we can achieve if we work in partnership!"
"I really care about Brandon Communications, and it might just be that I can make a difference to things."
"You could pretend to be reading an article about it and you could casually say how you’d never buy a house that converted the whole basement into a wine cellar and you’d much prefer a gym."
"Becky, I love you. However you look. Whatever shape you are."
"You’re perfect. You don’t need to change one hair. One freckle. One little toe."
"And the thought that you felt you had to go off secretly … it kills me. Please, please, please, don’t ever do that again."
"We can mop them with the cupboardful of mops we’ve already got!"
"The only way to do a jigsaw is to be methodical. First we turn the pieces over."
"Annabel loved Luke. Unconditionally. She loved him for all his good points and all his flaws. And she didn’t want anything in return."
"We need to separate you from the guests as much as possible, to prevent any further slip-ups."
"But still, it wasn’t exactly a successful transaction, was it? If you ask me, bartering’s crap and I don’t know why I ever believed Jess."
"I can’t tell her the truth. We’re just going to have to move out. Somehow."
"It’s probably just some little neighbourly misunderstanding. One of those things you can clear up over a cup of tea."
"Why on earth do people ever buy things when they could barter? I’ve had loads of responses to my ads and I’ve got several appointments this evening."
"There’s my prince, sweetheart. She points to a man in morning dress who’s approaching over the patterned carpet."
"This isn’t quite true. I have to admit Luke has been known to overreact to things on occasion."